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Somethin' sprung her mind, now I tell ye, Mis' Bond." "I feel to hope we sha'n't find her, I must say," faltered Peggy. It was plain that Mrs. Dow was the captain of this doleful expedition. "I guess she ain't never thought o' drowndin' of herself, Mis' Dow; she's gone off a-visitin' way over to the other side o' South Byfleet; some thinks she's gone to the Centennial even now!"

"Them ez kem a-visitin' hyar," blustered the boy, full of the significance of his observations and experience, "air either wantin' a drink or two 'thout payin' fur it, or else air tradin' fur liquor ter sell, an' that's the same ez moonshinin' in the law." There was a roar of delight from the circle of lumpish figures about the still which told the boy that he had hit very near to the mark.

You sorter look at me sometimes as if I was a rat. I don't s'pose you can help it, and I don't mind. I'd ruther stay here and work than go a-visitin' again. Why can't I work outdoors when there's nothin' for me to do in the house?" "Are you willing to work to do anything you can?" Jane was not sufficiently politic to enlarge on her desire for honest toil and honest bread; she merely nodded.

"Anybody'd think," commented Ellen to herself in a mixture of indignation and amusement, "that she was a princess comin' a-visitin' instead of bein' a charity orphan." Yet although she fumed inwardly at the girl's attitude, she did not really dislike it. Spirit flashed in the youthful face, and Ellen admired spirit. She would have scorned a cringing, apologetic Webster.

I was a-visitin' once in a city house, and slept in a room on the top floor, and there was a leak in the pipe in the cellar, and that gas just went over the whole house, into every room and closet, and even under the beds, and I've often thought that that was just like Peter's way of doin' things and knowin' things.

She sprang up, ran to the spigot, washed and wiped the plate, and restored it to its place on Meg's scanty cupboard, then announced: "I shall tell my grandpa how good all you dear, dear folks has been to me while he he was off a-visitin'. An' he'll do somethin' nice for you, too, he will.

Cerinthy was one of the sort that's born with veils over their faces, and can see sperits; and one time Cerinthy was a-visitin' Lois after her second baby was born, and there came up a blow, and Cerinthy comes out of the keepin'-room, where the cradle was a-standin', and says, 'Sister, says she, 'who's that woman sittin' rockin' the cradle? and Aunt Lois says she, 'Why, there ain't nobody.

I'm sixty years old," she went on with a little break in her harsh voice, dominating him now by woman's logic, "an' I've never had a day to my-self, not even Fourth o' July. If I've went a-visitin' 'r to a picnic, I've had to come home an' milk 'n' get supper for you menfolks. I ain't been away t' stay overnight for thirteen years in this house, 'n' it was just so in Davis County for ten more.

Angy hastily amended. Samuel gave an exasperated grunt. "See here, whose spree is this?" Abe demanded of the little old wife. She sighed, then resolved on strategy: "Naow, Abe, ef yew be bound an' possessed ter go ter the Beach, yew go; but I'm a-goin' a-visitin' tew, an' I couldn't git the pair o' us ready inside a week. I'm a-goin' deown ter see Blossy.

Creeping stealthily forward toward the encounter he watched his grizzly enemy with exultation, his thought being: "He's tough! He's an old one! His hide's thick I must make no mistake. When I get nigh enough to hit him through the heart wish he'd rise up again queerest actin' grizzly I ever met likely my last one so anxious to meet me he come a-visitin' he, he, he! Ah! he's risin' I'll "