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This, as well as much else in his career, was made possible by the rare generosity of his friend of school-days and all days, Charles Wynn, brother of the then Sir Watkin, and later a pretty well known politician, who on coming of age gave him an annuity of £160 a year. This in 1807 he relinquished on receiving a government pension of practically the same amount.

"And I've been given to understand that Miss Wynn and her set rather well, preferred the lighter shades of colored folk." Miss Wynn laughed lightly. "My parents did," she said simply. "No dark man ever entered their house; they were simply copying the white world.

"Two of our party will stay on the pier and watch this float to see who comes after the dinghy, and the other two will take the dinghy and go out to the Sylvia. By making a move of that kind, we'll be able to land on Gerald Wynn, no matter whether he's ashore or on the boat." "I'll watch this end o' the play," said Katz. "No," objected Clancy, "you'll go with me to the yacht, Katz.

"Plantation melodies, I suppose, are more your specialty," he said with a slight cadence. "Yes," said Bles simply. A slight pause ensued. Then came the surprise of the evening for Bles Alwyn. Even his inexperienced eye could discern that Miss Wynn was very popular, and that most of the men were rivals for her attentions. "Mr. Alwyn," she said graciously, rising.

I think so, by the deep blush that suffused her face when she saw the visitor coming along, though it was only Linda Wynn, who made some not very complimentary reflections on the father and brother whose absence on an amusing expedition permitted this, whose general indolence compelled severe labour from the girls.

The Senator held out his hand; Bles took it and then remembered. "Oh, I beg pardon, but Miss Wynn wanted a word on another matter." The Senator turned to Miss Wynn. "I am a school-teacher, Senator Smith, and like all the rest of us I am deeply interested in the appointment of the new school-board." "But you know the district committee attends to those things," said the Senator hastily.

'I guess I ain't nothin' else' answered the storekeeper, with satisfaction. 'But I kin tell you, squire, that my lad Nim is 'tarnal 'cute too, an' he'll be worth lookin' arter as a husband, he will. Still with an unsuspicious effort at cordiality, Mr. Wynn answered, 'I suppose so. 'He might get gals in plenty, but he has a genteel taste, has Nim: the gal to please Nim must be thorough genteel.

'A clever fellow, quoth the captain, regarding Andy's red hair and twinkling eyes with some admiration. 'A diplomatic tendency, Mr. Wynn, which may be valuable. Your servant, I presume? 'A former tenant of my father's, who wished to follow our fortunes, replied Robert. 'He's a faithful fellow, though not much more civilised than the rest.

'Before which time, I trust, soliloquized Robert a little fiercely, 'I shall be independent of all their favours. And amidst some severe reflections on the universal contempt accorded to the needy, and the corrupted state of society in England, which estimates a man by the length of his purse chiefly, Robert Wynn formed the resolution that he would go to Canada.

"And then, too, I believe there is talk of abolishing the school-board and concentrating power in the hands of the superintendent." "Precisely," said Miss Wynn. "And I came to tell you, Senator Smith, that the interests which are back of this attack upon the schools are no friends of yours." Miss Wynn extracted from her reticule a typewritten paper. He took the paper and read it intently.