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Wynn, where he stood by the taffrail. 'There's that poor young lady strivin' and strugglin' to regulate them big boxes, an' her good-for-nothin' father an' brother smokin' in the steerage, an' lavin' everything on her. Fine gintlemin, indeed! More like the Injins, that I'm tould lies in bed while their wives digs the praties!

He sprang from his chair, and walked rapidly away to the end of the library; presently he came back, and standing before me, said, "Nell! Nell! your friend's mother is the woman of whom I once spoke to you! I might have known that the subtle kinship I felt between Esther Wynn and her was no chance resemblance. I never heard of the name 'Wynn, however.

The 'Corner' with its single sawmill and store, offered no inducement for a halt; and a tedious two miles farther brought them to 'hum. 'Well! exclaimed Robert Wynn, 'here is my estate; and neither pond, nor swamp, nor yet spring creek do I behold.

"I didn't give him the key in the first instance." "Now will you tell me, Mr. Wynn, why, when you left Lord Southbourne, you did not go straight home? That's a point that may prove important." "I didn't feel inclined to turn in just then, so I went for a stroll." "In the rain?" "It wasn't raining then; it was a lovely night for a little while, till the second storm came on, and my hat blew off."

Consequently, Robert Wynn had paired off with Miss Armytage for this drive; and Mr. Holt, greybeard though he was, would not resign Linda to any one, but left young Armytage, Arthur, and Jay to fill the third sleigh. Of course that sublime aurora overhead formed a main topic of conversation; but irrelevant matter worked in somehow.

'I've a mind to go with you. 'You! exclaimed the other, with unfeigned surprise, looking in Wynn's face. 'Yes, I feel as if I would be the better for a few months of the old difficulties. I'd like to get away from this for awhile. 'But perhaps you wouldn't like the "while" to extend over four years, remarked Armytage. 'Of all people, I never expected to find you a rover, Wynn.

"We met him at the dinner last night for the first time. Jim and Maurice knew him before, of course. He seemed a very fascinating sort of man." "Where is Miss Pendennis, by the way?" pursued the insatiable little questioner. "I was just going to ask for her when Mr. Wynn turned up with his news." "Didn't I tell you? She left for Berlin this morning; her father's ill. She had to rush to get away."

"Just so, but the rooms might have been ransacked after and not before the murder," Sir George said dryly. "Though I don't think that's probable. Well, Mr. Wynn, you've told me everything?" "Everything," I answered promptly. "Then we shall see what the other side have to say at the preliminary hearing."

Home to the Irish village where his ancestors had long been lords of the soil; and the peasantry had deemed that the greatest power on earth, under majesty itself, was his Honour Mr. Wynn of Dunore, where now, fallen from greatness, the family was considerably larger than the means.

For a ways, it follows the one I took in huntin' for dad; then it branches off and points straight toward Gerald Wynn and his gang. Now here we are at the end of it and you're seventy-five hundred to the good." Clancy laughed. "Get me a pencil and a piece of paper, Hiram," he requested.