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She wus kind o' worrited, I reckon." He paused, and his twisted face turned in the direction of the foreman's hut. "She wus weepin' last night," he went on. Then he paused again, and his shrewd eyes came back to Tresler's face. "She's bin weepin' to-day," he said, with a peculiar look of expectation in his manner. "What's the trouble?" The question came short and sharp. "Mebbe she's lonesome."

My mother says I'm not to be worrited, doesn't she, Crow?" "You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, a set of young fellows like you," said the old lady, with great and very natural indignation, "insulting respectable people. I suppose you call yourselves gentlemen. I'm ashamed of you, that I am!" "Oh, don't apologise," said Whipcord; "it's of no consequence."

"I'm plum tetchious an' worrited erbout Dorothy." For an avowed lover the seated man gave the impression of churlish unresponsiveness as he made his grumbling reply. "I reckon she hain't goin' ter come ter no harm. She hain't nobody's sugar ner salt." Caleb ran his talon-like fingers through his mane of gray hair and shook his patriarchal head.

"Hiram allowed to go over to the schoolhouse and see you this mornin'," said Mrs. McKinstry, after a pause; "but I reckon ez how he had to look up stock on the river. The cattle are that wild this time o' year, huntin' water, and hangin' round the tules, that my men are nigh worrited out o' their butes with 'em.

He ain't the man to touch my heart, not at all; and it was not likely either. A plain fellow, very, Mr. Gager." "He'll be plainer before long, my dear." "But I've been that worrited among 'em, Mr. Gager, since first they made their wicked prepositions, that I've been jest I don't know how I've been.

Mrs Elsworthy, for her part, had seized that moment to relieve her soul by confiding to Mrs Hayles next door how she was worrited to death with one thing and another, and did not expect to be alive to tell the tale if things went on like this for another month, but that Elsworthy was infatuated like, and wouldn't send the hussy away, his wife complained to her sympathetic neighbour.

Then wakening up he drew the book he was binding towards him again. 'She must have been precious glad to have you to do for her, Louie, he said contentedly. 'Do for her? Louie opened her eyes. 'As if I could be worrited with her! I had my work to do, thank you. There was a niece used to come in and see to her. She used to get in my way dreadful sometimes.

"'Tis what the Father said to Brinn, the man that runs the Weekly Herald. Ye know him?" "I know no good av him." "He's not a bad fella a-tall. Ye know he has a head as bald as an aig. Well, he was goin' to the Knights of Pythias ball, and was worrited about a fancy suit to wear; fer it appears that thim that goes must be rigged up.

An' mother grizzled an' worrited herself reg'lar ill an' stopped in bed two days an' kep on whinin' 'bout what I was to do if she died; cause she s'posed she was gwained to. But so soon as Tom comed off his first trip, mother cheered wonnerful, an' riz up to see to en, an' hear tell 'bout how he fared on the water." "Your head a wee bit higher, Joan. Well, I'm thankful to see you again.

And it's all about those blessed Five Sisters they've come, though I told 'em you can't nohow be worrited and can't see no one " "But I can!" said Maryllia decisively; "I can see anyone who wishes to see me, and I will. Let me pass, Mrs. Spruce, please!" Mrs.