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Mrs Chivery, speaking as a mother and not as a diplomatist, had then, from a different point of view, desired her husband to recollect that their John had never been strong, and that his love had fretted and worrited him enough as it was, without his being driven to do himself a mischief, as nobody couldn't say he wouldn't be if he was crossed.

She's some worrited, 'cause Celia went over to visit Peleg's gal airly yesterday mornin' an' we ain't seen Celia since." Mr. Carter came back with one of the brakemen just then, bearing a can of milk. The kindly conductor had found a tin plate, too a section of the fireman's dinner kettle and into this he poured some of the milk for the hungry little spaniel.

Poyser, in a soothing tone, as he himself turned to go upstairs. "You didna mean to be late, I'll be bound, but your aunt's been worrited to-day. Good-night, my wench, good-night." The Two Bed-Chambers

Well Sir, would you believe it, there's that in Mr Pontifex's face which is just like young Watkins; he looks that worrited and scrunched up at times, but it's never for the same reason, for he don't know nothing at all, no more than a unborn babe, no he don't; why there's not a monkey going about London with an Italian organ grinder but knows more than Mr Pontifex do.

"Dun know, sir; I've never heard nor seen nuffin' o' this sort before. In coorse I've heard the missionaries sometimes, a-hollerin' about the streets, but I never worrited myself about them. I say, doctor, that's a rum go about that gal Edie ain't it? I've quite took a fancy to that gal, now, though I ain't seen her. D'ye think she's bin drownded?" "I scarce know what to think.

"Ef I don't stand in need of it now, maybe the good Lord'll sto'e it up in my system, some way, 'g'inst a future attackt." "Well" the doctor reached for his whip "well, I wouldn't do it steer or no steer!" "Oh yas, I reckon you would, doctor, ef you had a wife ez worrited over a wash-tub ez what mine is. An' I had a extry shirt in wash this week, too.

'I have not worn anybody's life away, said Peggotty, 'I am thankful to think! No, Mr. Murdstone, I have not worrited and frightened any sweet creetur to an early grave!

I was weak like fer a long spell, an' they kep' a writin' an' no word come, an' then I recollected about the town, it was Los Angeles on the ticket, and then I couldn't think of the place I'd sent the letters to before, an' the thinkin' worrited me, an' the doctor said I mustn't try.

It is the sin of stealing fire from the altar: a sin so impudently practised by popes, parents, and pedagogues, that one can hardly expect the nurserymaids to see any harm in stealing a few cinders when they are worrited. Into the blackest depths of this violation of children's souls one can hardly bear to look; for here we find pious fraud masking the violation of the body by obscene cruelty.

Would the father, "worrited by stock" and boundary quarrels a man in the habit of cutting Gordian knots with a bowie knife prove more reasonable? Was there any nearer sympathy between father and daughter? But she had said he would meet McKinstry in the clearing: she was right, for here he was coming forward at a gallop!