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Updated: August 24, 2024

"Would it no be easier to watch him frae the gate?" suggested Gavinia, who had not the true detective instinct. Tommy disregarded her womanlike question; a great change had come over him since she went upstairs; his bead now wobbled on his shoulders like a little balloon that wanted to cut its connection with earth and soar. "What makes you look so queer?" cried the startled maid.

A whole board of supervisors and school commissioners couldn't have looked that horse in the face, and guessed on their sacred honor whether he was goin' to jump the fence to the left, or take to the high sage on the outside of the track. "Onct in a while we'd git Pinto's left eye set at a angle, and he'd come around the track and under the wire before she wobbled out of place.

When the chairs wobbled, the coal and the pillows kept falling about; it was quite a real avalanche, Sara said conversationally. 'I should think so, agreed the guest. 'Yes; and it was glorious when Sara excaped to the top of the wardrobe. 'To the w Miss Levering gasped. 'Yes. We were having the most perfectly fascinating time Sara took up the tale.

Five minutes later a sailor wearing on one sleeve the Red Cross of the hospital squad came along. “Say,” said the marine, “I wish you’d look at the feller in the brig.” The hospital man showed his face at the grating and looked at Truax keenly. “Wow! The sawbones officer has got to look at this chap!” Sam Truax sprang to his feet, but his legs wobbled.

Beside the curl, and covering mother's diaries, lies a square white volume, the first part of my "Experience Boke" before mentioned, and upon it two queer fat little pairs of bronze kid shoes, buttonless and much worn on the toes, telling a tale of feet that dragged and ankles that wobbled through inexperience in walking. Ah yes!

The wide collar, in which his face had wobbled Micawber-like, disappeared; and a small double collar, like the kind Geoffrey wore, took its place. The garish neck-tie and hatband were replaced by discreet black. He acquired the attitudes and gestures of his employer in a few days.

W. Keyse felt a little awkward, and the rifle was uncommonly heavy. The Slabberts felt it tremble, and thought about taking his hands down and reaching for that Colts six-shooter he kept in his hip-pocket. But though the finger wobbled, it was at the trigger, and Walt was not fond of risks. "Tell him, Jannje!" he spluttered once more. She had not needed a second bidding.

Well and nobly, then, Grey Molly repaid all the praise, all the tenderness and care which Vic had lavished upon her in the past years, for with her legs shaking from the struggle of that last climb, with a rider who wobbled crazily in his seat, with reins hanging loose on her neck, with not even a voice to guide or to encourage her, she swept straight across the falling ground, gaining strength and courage at every stride.

"So say we all," remarked Frank; "for it will chase the blues away many a time, just to see the look on Uncle Toby's face, as he clung to that friendly limb." "Gorry, but I was mighty glad tuh git my claws on dat limb, Marse Frank. Wen I seed dem big yaller eyes a-starin' at me, an' heerd dat yowlin' noise, my knees dey jest wobbled together.

He look her in her eye, he stagger" here Enriquez wobbled pantomimically into the road "he fall!" he would have suited the action to the word if I had not firmly held him up. "They have taken him home, where he have remain without his clothes, and have dance and sing. But it was the drunkenness of lofe. And, look you, thees village girl was a nothing, not even pretty. The name of my ancestor was "

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