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I've worked in the Georgia gold mines and you know you never find gold without silver. I was three months in the mountains with a feller that was huntin' nickel; he l'arned me a heap." The old man turned his disappointed gaze from one face to the other. "I wish't Johnnie was here," he repeated his plaintive formula, as he raised the handkerchief and untied the corners.

"I wish't Daniel 'd sell him; he frightens folks from the house," she said, with much discontent, driving Tiger unceremoniously into the back porch. Thomas soon had the bundles laid on the kitchen table, and the carriage turned homewards, while I began unrolling the prints and flannels, frocks and pinafores, for the Mill Road pensioners. Mrs.

And there were, besides, some mildewed and half-empty bottles, the labels obliterated, over which Nares would sometimes sniff and speculate. "Seems to smell like diarrhoea stuff," he would remark. "I wish't I knew, and I would try it." But the slop-chest was indeed represented by the plugs of niggerhead, and nothing else.

"She's gone gaddin' around with some of her swell friends. She may be home before midnight, an' then again she may not," he said. The old man collapsed on the lower step. "I wish't Johnnie was here," he said querulously. "I " he looked about him confusedly "I've found her silver mine." At the words the two on the porch became suddenly rigid.

"I on'y wish't I had any to lay!" she retorted, with one of her fierce flashes of self-derision; and the young man murmured, aghast: "Oh, Sister, don't speak blasphemy...." But she had jerked her arm out of his hold, and was running up the branch road, trembling with the fear of meeting a familiar face. Presently she was out of sight of the village, and climbing into the heart of the forest.

Janey said she didn't know. Then he asked her what they were going to sing for Christmas, and she began on "We three kings of Orient are," and broke off to ask him what "Orient" meant, and he told her that Orient was out on the Sunbury pike, about three miles this side of Olive Green, and her Ma said: "Lester Pettit, I wish't you'd ever grow up and learn how to behave yourself.

"Never mind," put in Frank Bowman, scornfully, looking full at the druggist. "You won't have to pay for Mr. Drugg's violin if it is stolen." "Hum! Don't I know that?" snarled Massey. "We committeemen have our hands full with that missin' collection. Wish't we'd never voted to have the coins brought over here. Them lectures are mighty foolish things, anyway.

Sambo was a full black, of great size, very lively, voluble, and full of trick and grimace. "What you doin here?" said Sambo, coming up to Tom, and poking him facetiously in the side. "Meditatin', eh?" "I am to be sold at the auction, tomorrow!" said Tom, quietly. "Sold at auction, haw! haw! boys, an't this yer fun? I wish't I was gwine that ar way! tell ye, wouldn't I make em laugh?

"Well, I wish't ye would!" said poor Miss Bean. "Fact is, I ain't done so well as I c'd wish this season. Folks is dretful 'fraid o' buyin' new things nowadays." Then followed a series of small confidences on the hair-cloth sofa, while Hilda's fingers flew about the forlorn hats and bonnets, changing a ribbon here and a flower there, patting and poking, and producing really marvellous results.

"Well, the Dutch seems to be having their own troubles now," said Annie after a time, when at length the two were able to find seats, a trifle to themselves in a corner of the car. "Looks like they might learn how the war thing goes the other way 'round. Gee! I wish't I was a man! I'd show 'em peace!"