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Aw should be thankful iv yo could give her a bit o' help whol things are as they are." Before the old man had done talking, his niece had crept away into the back room, as if ashamed of being the subject of such a conversation.

An insult which fired the whol assembly with indignation was particularly and instantly resented by the only son of the deceased, Edgar, popularly called the Master of Ravenswood, a youth of about twenty years of age. He clapped his hand on his sword, and bidding the official person to desist at his peril from farther interruption, commanded the clergyman to proceed.

An' they was half of 'em huddled in a bunch by the side-yard stile an' half of 'em runnin' 'round wild as anything. The whol' place looked like when you hev a bad dream. It made me weak in my knees, an' I was winded anyway with runnin', an' I stopped an' leant up against a tree, an' Eb, he stopped too, takin' bearin's.

"Ah certainly 'spects it must be, sah; dar ain't no other town directly 'round dese parts." "Then those lights higher up must be on the bluff at Beaucaire?" "Yas, sah; looks like de whol' house was lit up. I reckon things am right lively up thar 'bout now." He chuckled to himself, smothering a laugh.

'The whol' blame' town's kin, s'e; 'I never see such a place. Everybody's kin, only just me. Air you, he ask' me wistful, 'cousin' of 'em all, too? "'Mis' Sprague that's dead was connected up with me by marriage an' Mis' Sykes is my mother's secunt cousin, I owned up. "'That's it again, s'e, sighin'. 'I'm the odd number, dum it, he says sorrowful.

But it was beyond her power effectually to withstand or elude the constant and unceasing persecution of Lady Ashton, who, laying every other wish aside, had bent the whol efforts of her powerful mind to break her daughter's contract with Ravenswood, and to place a perpetual bar between the lovers, by effecting Lucy's union with Bucklaw.

"He wus a sorter slim, long-legged chap, thet young actor feller I showed the trail down ter Bolton ter, an' he scurcely spoke a word all durin' thet whol' blame ride. Search me, gents, if I c'd git either head er tail outer jist whut he wus up to, only thet he proposed ter knock ther block off some feller if he had the good luck ter ketch 'im.

The dittie to the mot, Quid regna sine vsu. I will rehearse no more, but I haue an hundred other, let this be the vpshot of these shewes, they were the admirablest that euer Florence yelded. To particularize their maner of encounter, were to describe the whol art of tilting. Some had like to haue falle ouer their horse neck and so breake their neckes in breaking their staues.

Elspie, she'd got the whol' dinner she was a rill good cook, an' that su'prised me as much as her dressin' my wrist the night before. She'd pampered me shameful all that mornin' too, an' I'd let her when you've lived alone so long, it's kind o' nice to hev a person fussin' here an' there, an' Elspie seemed to love takin' care o' somebody.

The boat must 'er gone down, I reckon; enyhow ther whol' side wus caved in. What's ther matter with yer engine?" "It's all right now keep your eyes peeled ahead." The steam began to sizz, settling swiftly into a rhythmatic chugging, as the revolving wheel began to churn up the water astern.