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The patient brightened amazingly at the mention of the sanitarium, and was more than willing to go. "I've took all kinds of treatment," he creaked, "but I ain't never been to no sanitarium, an' I misdoubt whether they've ever had anybody with green insides. "I reckon," he added, proudly, "that that wanderin' pain in my spine'll stump 'em some to know what it is.

"But every one wants some beauty in their lives, and each one has a different sphere to fill, if one can only find it." "'Pears to me there's no call for so much art when nater is full of beauty for them that can see and love it. As for 'spears' and so on, I've a notion if each of us did up our own little chores smart and thorough we needn't go wanderin' round to set the world to rights.

"He's fat yet," he said, "an' he ought to be in winter quarters right now. Somethin' must have driv him out uv his hole an' have sent him wanderin' across the lake on the ice an' snow. That's what anybody gits fur not stayin' whar he belongs."

"'We air po' wanderin' sheep to-day, away on the mountains wild and bar'! Put yo' crook around our necks, John, an' lead us home with our tails behind us, so as our Bo Peeps'll know us when we come an' gladden us with their soft black eyes!

"I'm not goin' to freeze to death," said Si, starting up, at last. "I'm going to look around and see if I can't find something to make us more comfortable. Shorty, hold on to that hole in the ground. It's all that we've got left in the world, and if we lose that I don't know what'll become of us." "Better stay here, and not go wanderin' off into that mob," remonstrated Shorty.

Jonathan felt that he had been tricked, although he could not see just how the thing had been accomplished; so he began again: "Now Hepsey, we're wanderin' from the point, and you're just talkin' to amuse yourself. Can't you come down to business? Here I am a widower, and here you are a widowess, and we're both lonesome, and we " "Who told you I was lonesome, I'd like to know?"

"Ye may have regular greenhorn's luck and pick up Flo afore ye cross the boundary, for she's that bold that when she gets lonesome o' stayin' thar she goes wanderin' out o' bounds." "Hev ye any weppin, any shootin'-iron about ye?" asked Tarbox, with a latent suspicion. The young man smiled, and again showed his empty belt. "None!" he said truthfully.

"Late, late in the gloaming, Kilmeny cam' hame." "Hullo, Rube; got back inter camp, eh? Been wanderin' about the forest all on your own, have you? I've waited for you; got tea ready, you see all but boilin' th' eggs. Guessed you'd relish a couple of eggs." Kiddie did not turn to look at Rube as he spoke.

Well, parson, he thess looked at me up an' down for a minute, like ez ef he s'picioned I was wanderin' in my mind, but he didn't faze me. I thess kep' up my argiment.

His een were stelled, as if he had been lookin' forrit to something, and his lips were set like a man on a lang errand. And mair, his stick was grippit sae firm in his hand that nae man could loose it, so they e'en let it be. Then they tell't me the tale o't, how at the earliest licht they had seen him wanderin' alang the sands, juist as they were putting out their boats to sea.