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Updated: September 14, 2024
You should have more command over yourself, Charity Oliver." "But I can't," Miss Oliver protested. "When I see pretty things like that, my fingers won't stop twiddlin' till I make sure." "By the same argiment I wonder you didn't pocket the spoon. Which was old Lord Some-thing-or-Other's complaint; though I doubt you wouldn't get off so light as he did."
Deacon Sypher is never happy in his choice of language, and his method of argiment is such that when he is up on the affirmative of a question, the negative is delighted, for they know he will bring victery to their side of the question. Now, he didn't mean to speak right out about men's usual way of bossin' wimmen round. It was only his unfortunate and transparent manner of speakin'.
Ob course I don't say she's doo'd all dat; but suppose, for de sake ob argiment, dat she hab doo'd it all, won't we won't we we No, I's lost de t'read ob my discoorse. I'll begin again fro' de beginning. Das de on'y way I kin " "Is that all you had to tell me?" interrupted the Moor, in rising wrath. "No not kite all," returned Peter humbly.
Now, I 'ad a grandmother with one eye, poor thing but of coorse that's nothin' to do wi' the argiment an' she was left a fi' pun note by 'er father as 'ad a game leg though that's nothin' to do wi' the argiment neither. Now, what puzzles me is, that if Sir Cow Cross "
"Yes; you came to it at last," repeated Whitewing, "by giving your mind to things that at first you did not understand." "Come, come, my friend," said Little Tim, with a laugh; "I'm no match for you in argiment, but, as I said before, I don't understand Manitou, an' I don't see, or feel, or hear him, so it's of no use tryin'." "What my friend knows not, another may tell him," said Whitewing.
"That's got nothin' to do wi' the argiment," returned Grummidge sternly, for his anxieties were too serious to permit of his indulging in levity at the time. "What we've got to do is to find meat, for them auks are nigh as dry as the fish. Meat, lad, meat, wi' plenty o' fat, that's the question o' the hour." "Yes, it's our question, no doubt," rejoined Stubbs.
"It must have been," sez my Josiah. "He seemed to have such a borrow of a weak-minded, helpless woman a-raisin' herself up out of her lower spear." "Well he might," sez Josiah, "well he might." Truly, there are times when women can't, seeminly, stand no more. This wuz one on 'em, and I jest waded right into the argiment.
First, we should be out o' place at the house oop there. Thou wilt be getting to know all kinds o' people, and whatever thou may'st say, Jack, your mother and me would be oot o' place. That's one argiment. The next argiment is that we shouldn't like it, Jack, we should feel we were out o' place and that our ways were out o' place; and we should be joost miserable.
Deacon Sypher is never happy in his choice of language, and his method of argiment is such that when he is up on the affirmative of a question, the negative is delighted, for they know he will bring victery to their side of the question. Now, he didn't mean to speak right out about men's usual way of bossin' wimmen round. It was only his unfortunate and transparent manner of speakin'.
Talkin' o' that, sir," said the seaman, as a sudden thought struck him, "I'm towld that you are learned in lingos an' histories: could ye tell me who was the first people that got howld o' this country? 'cause I'm coorious to know, having had a stiffish argiment on that pint with Rais Ali. He howlds that it was the Moors, an' I've heerd say it was the Arabs."
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