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Updated: August 8, 2024

But Maga's eyes were practised like those of all other wild creatures in detecting movement behind her as well as in front. She spat, and gave vent to a final ultimatum. "You 'ave 'eard. I said you let that man Will Yerr-kees alone! An' don't you dare come to Zeitoon without a 'usband!"

"Eh, how can I ever thank you," she cried brokenly. "You saved my 'usband arter all. I don't know how to thank you." Sally looked round with a fierce light in her eyes. "Ye needn't thank me I didn't save him for you." "I'm sure," said John, in a voice husky with emotion, "I don't know what to say mysel' it is more than I could have expected, that you should risk your life for my sake."

He 'ad to speak about it 'imself at last, and he told 'em plain that when 'e wanted arf-a-dozen sore-eyed children to be brought down in their night-gowns to kiss 'im while he was eating sausages, he'd say so. Arter that Mrs. Walker was afraid that 'e might object when her and her 'usband gave up their bedroom to 'im; but he didn't.

An' Joe, 'e's a peaceable man when 'e ain't a bit fresh; 'e's more like a friend to 'er than an 'usband, Joe is; but 'e lost 'is temper that time, as yer may say, by reason o' bein' fresh, an' 'e knocked 'er abaht a little, an' knocked 'er teeth aht. So we brought 'er to the orspital."

It made me blush to the roots of my 'air; I'm not used ter bein' spoken ter like thet. I was in good circumstances when my fust 'usband was alive, 'e earned between two an' three pound a week, 'e did. As I said to 'im this mornin', "'Ow a gentleman can use sich language, I dunno." ''Usbands is cautions, 'owever good they are, said Mrs. Kemp, aphoristically.

Pearce was asking only yesterday when you was going back to sea agin," ses his uncle, looking at 'im. "Oh!" ses Alf. "She's took a dislike to you, I think," ses the old man. "It's very 'ard, my fav'rite nephew, and the only one I've got. I forgot to tell you the other day that her fust 'usband, Charlie Pearce, 'ad a kind of a wart on 'is left ear. She's often spoke to me about it."

"She says to me, 'And where is my 'usband? I reply, 'Madam, your husband is in a very safe and secret place, and that is true enough 'where his enemies will never find him, and for all we know that is also true. 'But I cannot understand why he did not come to me. That is not like my 'usband. 'No, Madam, it is not.

If she really thought I was her 'usband, and she 'ad lost me I put one or two things straight and then, for the sake of distracting my mind, I 'ad a word or two with the skipper of the John Henry, who was leaning against the side of his ship, smoking. "Wot's that tapping noise?" he ses, all of a sudden. "'Ark!" I knew wot it was. It was the handle of that umberella 'ammering on the gate.

"I've read about it!..." "Well, that's livin' in sin, that is. Pers'nally, I down't see wot diff'rence it mykes. They be'ave about the syme, married or not. 'E's a bit more lovin', per'aps, than a 'usband, but otherwise it's about the syme!" The bluntness of Lizzie's speech disconcerted him, and yet the simplicity of it reassured him.

His hand were like a cinder, and he were burnt all over his body. He were still livin' and able to speak. 'How's this happened what have you been doin'? sez my 'usband. 'It were the cold, he sez, 'and I wanted a drop o' brandy. And the dog were tryin' to get in. You shut him out when you went away. "Well, my 'usband gave him brandy and managed to lift him on to the bed.

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