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"Well, my dear, sometimes it means that they can't care for anything but their 'usbands. It's 'usband, 'usband with them all the time. There's some," she elaborated, "that care most for their 'usbands, and there's some that care most for their children." "And there's some," said Mrs. Ransome, "that care most for both, and care different, and that's best." "Which did you care for most, Mother?"

"Yes, 'e's a funny sort o' bloke, my orficer, but, my Gawd!" and here Simpson expectorated to give emphasis to his statement "I'd foller 'im against a crowd of 'Uns, or a lot of wimmen what's waiting for their 'usbands what ain't come 'ome at three in the morning, or anythink else you like.

"Let 'em stop at 'ome and mind their own 'usbands yah!" "Garn! who paid for your bonnet?" shouted another, until a third girl pulled her back, panting, "If you say that any more I'll scrag yer!" For this third girl had spent a fortnight in the Mile End Road house, getting fed and strengthened before an operation. But here was the cab!

I'd get drunken Bet's biby put in an 'ome. I'd 'elp the women when they 'ad to lie up. I'd I'd 'elp 'IM a bit," with a jerk of her elbow toward the thief. "If 'e was kept fed p'r'aps 'e could work out that thing in 'is 'ead. I'd go round the court an' 'elp them with 'usbands that knocks 'em about. I'd I'd put a stop to the knockin' about," a queer fixed look showing itself in her eyes.

'Nothing, only I've known 'usbands in my time as didn't like being surprised that's all. If you take my advice, you'll go straight back home agin. "'I'll tell 'im wot you say, she ses, 'as soon as 'is ship comes in. "That's a woman all over; the moment they get into a temper they want to hurt somebody; and I made up my mind at once that, if anybody was going to be 'urt, it wasn't me.

"You may smile!" raved the indignant Mr. Porter. "You may sit there smiling and smoking like a like a man, but if you think that I'm going to get the meals ready, and soil my 'ands with making beds and washing-up, you're mistook. There's some 'usbands I know as would set about you!" Mrs. Porter rose. "Well, I can't sit here gossiping with you all day," she said, entering the house.

"I've buried two 'usbands," murmured Mrs. Gorman, nodding. "And how to manage them," continued Mrs. Evans. "I move that Mrs. Gorman takes the chair. Those in favour " Mr. Todd, leaning back in his chair and gripping the arms, gazed defiantly at a row of palms. "Carried unanimously!" snapped Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Gorman, tall and bony, advanced and stood over Mr. Todd. Strong men held their breath.

It made me blush to the roots of my 'air; I'm not used ter bein' spoken ter like thet. I was in good circumstances when my fust 'usband was alive, 'e earned between two an' three pound a week, 'e did. As I said to 'im this mornin', "'Ow a gentleman can use sich language, I dunno." ''Usbands is cautions, 'owever good they are, said Mrs. Kemp, aphoristically.

And one thing I can say, that no woman was ever 'appier with two 'usbands than I've been. I've two sons growing up, hearty boys as ever you saw. If it wasn't for this trouble with Louise She stopped to wipe her face. 'I dessay she's told you that Mr. 'Iggins, who was a widower when I met him, has a daughter of his first marriage her poor mother died at the birth, and she's older than Louise.

He'd set 'er down for wot he called a white witch, which is the best kind and on'y do useful things, such as charming warts away or telling gals about their future 'usbands; and the next arternoon, arter telling 'is wife's mother that fresh air and travelling was the best cure for the yellow jaundice, he set off to see 'er. Mrs.