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My lan! but she'd make de fur fly! When she'd git into dem tantrums, she always had one word dat she said. She'd straighten herse'f up an' put her fists in her hips an' say, 'I want you to understan' dat I wa'n't bawn in the mash to be fool' by trash! I's one o' de ole Blue Hen's Chickens, I is! 'Ca'se you see, dat's what folks dat's bawn in Maryland calls deyselves, an' dey's proud of it.

"You understan', it was like this now," he began, after having with a calculating eye rejected two proffered chairs of delicate structure and selected a stout wooden rocker into which he settled tentatively, as one whom experience had taught to distrust most of the chairs in common use.

"Whatever it is," said Paul, "they'll not guess what has really happened, and ac our army of four is now provisioned indefinitely, we can bid them defiance." "I like them words 'bid them defiance," said Long Jim. "Ef I met 'defiance' all by itself I wouldn't know what it meant, but speakin' ez you do, Paul, an' with all the surroundin's you give it I understan' it, an' it sounds mighty fine.

"Also, to the Philosopher, bread-and-dripping is as interesting and desirable prog as the voluble-varied heterogeny of the menu at the Carlton or the Ritz 'specially when you've no choice." "Hear, hear," put in Dam. "Goatey ol' Goate!" said Trooper Bear with impressive solemnity. "Give me your hand, Philossiler. I adore dripping. I understan' it. I write odes to it. Yesh.

"Oh, that's perfec' unuseless, Pink. I'm a' officer o' the law, Pink, an' the law consider women well, I may say the law, she deal 'ith men, not women, an' she expect her officers to understan' figgers, an' if I hadn't o' understood figgers Mr. Sanks wouldn't or darsnt' to 'p'int me his dep'ty. Me 'n' you can fix them terms.

Not a cent has he paid for his board, and which your pa say he have a' understandin' with him about allowin' for his absentees, which is all right enough, but which it's now goin' on to three mont's, and what is comin' to us I need and I want. He ought, your pa ought to let me bargain with Matt Pike, because he know he don't understan' figgers like Matt Pike.

She stood at his side and saw a gang of men and boys' chasing a colored man, with the spirit of bloodhounds in their tones and faces. "Now I'se understan', too, Mass'r Merwyn," said the trembling colored woman, looking over their shoulders. "Go back," he said, sternly. "If you were seen, that yelling pack of fiends would break into this house as if it were paste-board.

"Que voulez vous que je fasse," replied the old Frenchman, gruffly. "Je suis j'ai that is, donnez moi passport." "Where do you go?" replied the Consul. "Calai." "Comment diable, speak Inglis, an I understan' you as besser. Your name?" "Lorraine Snaggs, gentilhomme." "What age have you? how old?" "Twenty-two."

"`Ye see, freens, this whipper-snapper o' a tade-eater has gotten the whup hand o' us; but we'll be upsides wi' him. The main thing is to get delay, so cut away, Tam Cargill, and tak' horse to Montrose for the sodgers. Spare na the spur, lad, an' gar them to understan' that the case is urgent.

A wrong to both, you say, perhaps; but if so, irreparable, and never to be recompensed. Never? "Yoh must go, my little girl," he said at last. Whatever he did must be done quickly. She came up, combing the thin gray hairs through her fingers. "Father, I dunnot understan' what it is, rightly. But stay with me, stay, father!" "Yoh've a many frien's, Lo," he said, with a keen flash of jealousy.