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My lan! but she'd make de fur fly! When she'd git into dem tantrums, she always had one word dat she said. She'd straighten herse'f up an' put her fists in her hips an' say, 'I want you to understan' dat I wa'n't bawn in the mash to be fool' by trash! I's one o' de ole Blue Hen's Chickens, I is! 'Ca'se you see, dat's what folks dat's bawn in Maryland calls deyselves, an' dey's proud of it.

"Yearly in de mawnin' de niggers all swarm' up in de yard. Mars Dugal' wuz feelin' so kine dat he had brung up a bairl er cider, en tole de niggers all fer ter he'p deyselves. "All de han's on de plantation come but Dave; en bimeby, w'en it seem lack he wa'n't comin', Mars Dugal' sont a nigger down ter de quarters ter look fer 'im.

"'Oh, yes, Ham, I said. 'You always speak well of Martha, and what she knows. "'Deed I do, Marfa; dat's so; I does, all de time. "'Dat's all right den, Ham. I forgib you all what you do, so you jes' git out in de kitchen; dar's whar you blong. Dese folks spile you ef dey don't mind deyselves.

No, not fer a considerbul spell lessen we has one grand, hifalutin' tornader. Yo' hyar me!" "I sho' does hyar yo' Mis' Lucy, an' I sho' 'grees wid yo' ter de very top notch. Dere's gwine ter be de very dibble 'scuse me please, ma'am, 'scuse me, but ma feelin's done got de better of ma breedin' ter pay ef things go on as dey've begun since de Madam an' dat dawg invest deyselves 'pon Severndale.

Lak as not de sarpint done tricked him into regalin' hisself wid dat apple. But I s'pose you'd lay hit on de germs whut was disportin' deyselves on de apple. But dey ain't no use in 'sputin' dat p'int, 'ca'se de fac' remains dat de apple's done et." "I ain't astin' you to dispute nothin'," cried Amanda, by this time in a high state of indignation.

"Tryin' to starve deyselves?" "Dunno," answered Elisha, with a serious expression. "They're not doin' it for nothin'. They're wavin' their hats at us. Somethin' on their minds." "We'll jes let 'em wave. We'll go 'long 'bout our business." So they went at eight knots an hour; for, try as he might, Amos could get no more out of the engine.

Dey bo'd inter de groun' en kep' on bo'in twel dey onloost de fountains er de yeth; en de waters squirt out, en riz higher en higher twel de hills wuz kivvered, en de creeturs wuz all drownded; en all bekaze dey let on 'mong deyselves dat dey wuz bigger dan de Crawfishes." Then the old man blew the ashes from a smoking yam, and proceeded to remove the peeling.

My LAN! but she'd make de fur fly! When she'd git into dem tantrums, she always had one word dat she said. She'd straighten herse'f up an' put her fists in her hips an' say, 'I want you to understan' dat I wa'n't bawn in the mash to be fool' by trash! I's one o' de ole Blue Hen's Chickens, I is! 'Ca'se you see, dat's what folks dat's bawn in Maryland calls deyselves, an' dey's proud of it.

"Yearly in de mawnin' de niggers all swarm' up in de yard. Mars Dugal' wuz feelin' so kine dat he had brung up a bairl er cider, en tole de niggers all fer ter he'p deyselves. "All dey han's on de plantation come but Dave; en bimeby, w'en it seem lack he wa'n't comin', Mars Dugal' sont a nigger down ter de quarters ter look fer 'im.

Haven't been anything else for a year." "But dis heah is different," urged the old darkey, scratching his head; "dis heah is Christmas night. Tain't natchul fer folks not to git together an' laugh an' be happy an' fergit dere quarrels an' dere troubles an' jollify deyselves.