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He stopped suddenly at sight of Helen, who attracted by the noise, had entered the room, and stood before him in a filmy negligee. "What is the matter, Gordon?" she demanded anxiously. "I beg your pardon." Wade spoke awkwardly, unashamed of himself, except for her. "I'm worn out and I I lost my temper." "Will you er leave this room!" The Senator was beginning to pull himself together.

She looked compelled to look, but consenting and unashamed; at home in submission; just the look that wins observant boys, shrewd as dogs to read by signs, if they are interested in the persons. They read Browny's meaning: that Matey had only to come and snatch her; he was her master, and she was a brave girl, ready to go all over the world with him; had taken to him as he to her, shot for shot.

While Yeager was out of the room she knelt down by the bedside, unashamed, and asked for his life as she had never prayed for anything before. By this time his fever was high and he was wandering in his head. The wild look of delirium was in his eyes, and faint weak snatches of irrelevant speech on his lips. His moans stabbed her heart.

I love you, too, Leo!" She pulled his hand to her lips and quickly kissed it, frightened but unashamed. "Gretchen, Gretchen!" She stopped. "What is it?" keenly. "There was pain in your voice." "The thought of how I love you hurts me. There is nothing else, nothing, neither riches nor crowns, nothing but you, Gretchen. How long ago was it I met you first?" "Two weeks." "Two weeks? Is it not years?

Heart speaks to heart naked and unashamed; they fraternize across deeps that are commonly impassable, thrilling as one man to the genius of the double-play, or with one voice hurling merited insults at a remote and contemptuous umpire. It is only there, on earth, that they love their neighbour.

In an unashamed testimony to the happiness of living he is simply telling truths of his own experience. Happiness is not necessarily thoughtlessness; many men and women have gone through pessimism and come out on serener heights. Alfred Noyes proves, as Browning proved, that it is possible to be an inspired poet and in every other respect to remain normal.

You dream and idle on just as you used to do, without the least care or thought or consideration for others; and go out in this condition go out absolutely unashamed to spend the evening at a friend's. Peculiar friends they must be. Why, really, Arthur, you must be mad! Lawford paused.

And then, after a pause of brimming appreciation: "I wonder if you'll think me horrid? but it may be my only chance; and if you can't get places for us all, wouldn't you perhaps just take ME? After all, the Farlows may have seen it!" He had not, of course, thought her horrid, but only the more engaging, for being so natural, and so unashamed of showing the frank greed of her famished youth.

Then came the man himself with dew all over his upbrushed beard, returning the saber to its scabbard with an accompanying apologetic motion of the head. "Aye, I was listening!" He spoke as one unashamed. I came from the fortifying, where all is finished that can be done to-night. I have been the rounds. I have inspected everything. I report all well.

He used, in these moods, to wish that he had some soul-stirring experience to look back upon, some passionate affection, some overpowering emotion, which might have constrained him to open and unashamed utterance. How had he missed, he used to ask himself, the experience of a deep and whole-hearted love? There was nothing easier in the world than to establish a certain intimacy of relation.