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Updated: August 3, 2024

"W'en Mars Marrabo got th'oo talkin' Ben wuz mo' sober dan he wuz befo' he got drunk. It wuz Wednesday w'en Ben's marster tol 'im dis, an' 'twix' den and Friday night Ben done a heap er studyin'. An' de mo' he studied de mo' he didn' lak de way Mars Marrabo talked.

Tell the truth, I miss them little devils she used to print on the butter pads she set at my plate ez a warnin' to me seem to me I miss them jest about ez much ez I miss her. "The nearest I ever did come to answerin' her back 'cept, of co'se, the time she chastised me was the way I used regular to heat my knife-blade good an' hot 'twix' two batter-cakes an' flatten that devil out delib'rate.

"Yes, master, I knows dat place mighty well." "Well, how would you like to buy it, Joe?" "Buy the farm, master? What's Joe got to buy wid? I ain't got no money, 'thout it's a quarter Mas' Tandy Walker dun gim me fur to clean his boots sence we comed back to de fort, an' I jest know that a quarter won't buy no sich low grounds as dem dar down twix' dem dar creeks is.

She's mighty old an' strenuous now, Dicey is, an' she thinks because she was present at Sonny's birth an' before it, thet she's privileged to correct him for anything he does, and we've always indulged her in it, an' thess ez soon as she knowed what was brewin' 'twix' him an' Mary Elizabeth, why, she took her into the same custody, an' it's too cute for anything the way the little girl takes a scoldin' from her thess winkin' at Sonny an' me while she receives it.

"Well," said Perkins, with attempted bravado, "I rammed a piece o' silver down on the bullat in my gun. 'Twix 'em both " "Dar now, Marse Perkins, you des been 'posed on 'bout dat silber business. Ole Unc' Sampson w'at libed on de Simcoe place nigh on er hun'erd yeahs, dey say, tole me lots 'bout a spook dat boddered um w'en he a boy.

When she was halfway she stopped, and said mournfully: "Marse Tom, I nussed you when you was a little baby, en I raised you all by myself tell you was 'most a young man; en now you is young en rich, en I is po' en gitt'n ole, en I come heah b'leavin' dat you would he'p de ole mammy 'long down de little road dat's lef' 'twix' her en de grave, en "

You'll hatter go some'rs else ef you wanter raise enny racket, sezee, en wid dat he shet do do'. "En dey do say," continued Uncle Remus, with unction, "dat sense dat day de blacksmif bin sorter huv'rin' 'roun' 'twix' de heavens en de ye'th, en dark nights he shine out so fokes call 'im Jacky-my-lantern. Dat's w'at dey tells me. Hit may be wrong er't maybe right, but dat's w'at I years."

En bein' ez he fotch her de ham, she fix' it so he kin eat all de scuppernon' he want. "So Henry 'n'int his head wid de sap out'n de big grapevime des ha'f way 'twix' de quarters en de big house, en de goopher nebber wuk agin him dat summer. But de beatenes' thing you eber see happen ter Henry.

Didn't she tole you dat she ain' on yo' side?" "Well, bless her heart, then." "I circumscribe ter dat ar." "Aren't you on our side?" "I'se des 'twix en 'tween all de sides." "You're all right, Aunt Jinkey. I'd trust you with my life." "Reck'n you hab ter dis eb'nin'." "Well, about Miss Lou you say she has trouble to hold her own. How's that?" "Dem's fambly matters."

Yoho! Send your letters raound! All our salt is wetted, an' the anchor's off the graound! Bend, oh, bend your mains'l, we're back to Yankeeland With fifteen hunder' quintal, An' fifteen hunder' quintal, 'Teen hunder' toppin' quintal, 'Twix' old 'Queereau an' Grand."

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