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Updated: November 3, 2024
"I've bin over that graound with his writin', jest as he read it, in my two hands, and I can testify that he's got it all in." "If Dan here couldn't do better'n that with one hand before breakfast, he ought to be switched," said Salters, upholding the honor of Massachusetts on general principles. "Not but what I'm free to own he's considerable litt'ery fer Maine. Still "
Yoho! Send your letters raound! All our salt is wetted, an' the anchor's off the graound! Bend, oh, bend your mains'l, we're back to Yankeeland With fifteen hunder' quintal, An' fifteen hunder' quintal, 'Teen hunder' toppin' quintal, 'Twix' old 'Queereau an' Grand."
"Let the two Jeraulds lead 'em," said Disko. "We're baound to lay among 'em for a spell on the Eastern Shoals; though ef luck holds, we won't hev to lay long. Where we are naow, Harve, ain't considered noways good graound." "Shouldn't mind striking some poor ground for a change, then." "All the graound I want to see don't want to strike her is Eastern Point," said Dan.
"Oh, no, they are a very good lot on the whole." "Good! We've got a lot of good Indians too, but they're all under graound. Five hundred men! Jeerupiter! Say, Sligh, how many soldiers does Uncle Sam have on this job?" "Well, I can't say altogether, but in Montana and Dakota I happen to know we have about four thousand regulars." "Say, figger that out, will yuh?" continued Mr. Cadwaller.
Harvey pounded despairingly at the bell, for he feared they might be sunk at any minute, and he jumped at Dan's hail as the crew came back. "The Jennie Cushman," said Dan, hysterically, "cut clean in half graound up an' trompled on at that! Not a quarter of a mile away. Dad's got the old man. There ain't any one else, and there was his son, too. Oh, Harve, Harve, I can't stand it!
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