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Updated: August 5, 2024

If you can get me some clean straw to lie on, and once in a while a carrot or a turnip, and a bit of lettuce and some cabbage leaves now and then, I'll be all right. And as soon as my foot is well I'll travel on." "Oh, what good times we'll have!" cried the little boy. "Our house is near a lake, and I have a motor boat. And I'll give you a ride in it."

I know you, David Eby! Bet your heart's like lead this minute!" "'I have no heart," he quoted. "'The place where my heart was you could roll a turnip in." She laughed, then suddenly grew sober. "I've been horribly selfish," she said. "Having fine clothes and a good time and dreaming of fame through my voice have taken all my time during the past winter.

Bill, of whom I had come to think as the expatriated turnip, gave me an opportunity to study homesickness at once pitiful and ludicrous in a man with abundant whiskers. But he pulled strenuously at the forward paddle, every stroke as he remarked often, taking him closer to home. The river had fallen alarmingly, and was still falling.

But even if that interest were practical, I mean productive, as cattle and turnip crops are, a succession of Somerses and Wileses is not to be hoped for. History never repeats itself." "May I answer you, though very humbly?"

In a very extensive culture of turnip and corn crops; in drainage on a large scale; in the building of capacious farm-offices; in planting the land not of an arable quality; and latterly, in the thinning of these plantations all under the direction of a Scotch steward almost unlimited employment was given; in addition to which, the establishment of a dispensary, the constant residence of a valuable clergyman, a station for police, and the intercourse carried on by the daily running of two public vehicles, have combined to render the inhabitants of Ballyvourney as industrious and civilised as those in any part of the British islands.

"But the girls can't wait," replied Prudy; "they want it now." "O, it's for the girls, is it?" "Yes, but when they've washed the apron I can drink the rest with white sugar in." "The apron!" said aunt Martha, "what apron?" "O, nothing but Susy's. I told grandma I'd be good, and I did be good; it wasn't me spilled the ink." "Ink spilled?" cried aunt Martha, and she stopped beating the turnip.

Chop up some ham fat with a little onion, celery, carrot, and parsley. Add a small piece of beef and cook until beef is well colored. Take one pound of salted codfish, boil it, remove the skin and bones, and shred it. Then take one good carrot, one-half a turnip, scrape them, cut them into slices, and boil them for a few moments.

A titter ran through the class, and the biggest and stupidest boy found the joke so overwhelming that he stretched his mouth from ear to ear, and doubled himself up with laughter, till it looked as if his corduroy-breeched knee were a turnip, and he about to munch it. The Dame dropped her sallywithy and began to feel under her chair.

"Tom," she said softly to the elder of her two brothers, "Margery is so hungry, and I believe there won't be any dinner at all to-day. Aunt Emma hasn't said anything about it, and she's in an awful temper." Tom and Charlie groaned, "And we're starving!" "I shall go and pull up a turnip to eat," said Charlie defiantly. "I wish the apples were big enough to be any good."

An' so yuh see we ben gatherin' 'em right along." "How'd you ever get feed?" asked Bandy-legs, whose mind always traveled to this very important question. "Dad had jest a leetle money, left over from his last job," Jim replied. "Then we set traps an' ketched a few rabbits. I fished some, too. Reckon we managed tuh get along. Lots o' times, though, I was that hungry I cud 'a' et a raw turnip."

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