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"Vat then?" cried the German, who never declined a challenge of any kind, and who was fond of wordy war; "doos my sin joostify yours? Bot you is wrong. If smoking be not worse dan trinking, it is less excusable, for to trink is natural. I may apuse mine power an' trink vat is pad for me, but den I may likewise trink vat is coot for me.

Och, mine Got, dis ish von h l of a blace! Notting put prandy und vhisky! I pelieves I vill go by Yarmany the steamer next. Vell, give us dree prandys! Trink hearty, poys. Mine frient," continued he, turning to the hackman, "your peesness ish goot? No?" "Yes, sah! I always dribes the gemmen what comes on de steamer. Ya, ha! Dey nearly all goes to de same place.

"Py Cot," said Duncan, "then I will stay here no longer than to trink this very horn of prandy and water, for it's very possible they will pe in the wood. Donacha's a clever fellow, and maype thinks it pest to sit next the chimley when the lum reeks. He thought naebody would look for him sae near hand!

Here, trink dis, like a good veller, and don't gry now don't!" I observed that these bottles had labels about their necks, and that these labels were inscribed "Kirschenwässer."

'Beer is the worst thing in the world for 'Ya, I know der liver. I haf no liver, und I shall not die. At least I will not die obon dese benny sdeamers dot haf no beer fit to trink. If I should haf died, I will haf don so a hoondert dimes before now in Shermany, in New York, in Japon, in Assam, und all over der inside bans of South Amerique.

"He's an unstiddy character, an' he hes naither the fear o' Cod nor man pefore his eyes. But he's a plees'nt man when he likes." "Oo, ay, but there iss not in him the wull to give up the trink. He hes given it up more than wance before, an' failed. He will co from pad to worse in my opinion. There iss no hope for him, I fear."

"Den I take his hant, ant says, 'Why say you so, Papa? Come wis me, ant I will say you somesing. Ant Papa come, ant we seat togezer at ze publics-house, ant me sayt, 'Vaiter, give us one Bierkrug, ant he gives us one. We trink altogezer, and broser Johann also trink. 'Papa, sayt me, 'ton't say zat you have only one son, ant wis it you must separate, My heart was breaking ven you say sis.

These reduced me at once to submission, and I am almost ashamed to confess that, either through pain or vexation, there came a few tears into my eyes. "Mein Gott!" said the Angel of the Odd, apparently much softened at my distress; "mein Gott, te man is eder ferry dronk or ferry zorry. You mos not trink it so strong you mos put te water in te wine.

Here, trink dis, like a goot veller, und don't gry now don't!" I observed that these bottles had labels about their necks, and that these labels were inscribed "Kirschenwasser."

Pring here, if you please, two pottle Mateira, ant we shall trink zem wis each oser. Ant ze sergeant says, 'Goot! Ven ze sergeant pring ze Mateira ant we trink it out to ze last trop, I taket his hant ant says, 'Mister Sergeant, perhaps you have still one Vater and one Mutter? He says, 'So I have, Mister Mayer. 'My Vater ant Mutter not seen me eight year, I goes on to him, 'ant zey know not if I am yet alive or if my bones be reposing in ze grave.