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Updated: August 8, 2024

Eugene Chevandier divided the slope into zones forty or fifty feet wide, by horizontal ditches closed at both ends, and thereby obtained, from firs of different ages, shoots double the dimensions of those which grew on a dry soil of the same character, where the water was allowed to run off without obstruction." Dumont, Des Travaux Publics, etc., pp. 94-96.

First the work and risks of a secret printing press in some cellar or sordid room behind a shop, and later on the inevitable police-raid, a trial that would be no trial with the condemnation signed before-hand, and afterwards the travaux forcés, the long marches, the agonies of farewell at the Siberian boundary-post not for him, for his were said, but for his companions in misery the miseries of the sick and dying, the partial starvation, and the horrors of dirt and vermin.

The dogs yelled and howled in chorus; the puppies in the travaux set up a dismal whine as the water invaded their comfortable retreat; the little black-eyed children, from one year of age upward, clung fast with both hands to the edge of their basket, and looked over in alarm at the water rushing so near them, sputtering and making wry mouths as it splashed against their faces.

Le redacteur de l'article a ete plein de bienveillance a mon egard, et je vous prie de lui faire savoir que je suis fort touche de l'appreciation qu'il veut bien faire de mes travaux. Je profiterai de ses justes critiques pour mes autres traductions; mais il est un point ou je ne suis pas tout a fait d'accord avec lui.

The earthworks now shown to tourists as the lines of Montcalm are of later construction; and though on the same ground, are not on the same plan. "At least eight feet high." [Footnote 624: A new line of works was begun four days after the battle, to replace the log breastwork. Malartic, Journal. Travaux faits

Puissent les eloges meritees que nous donnons a vos enfants vous etre de quelque consolation dans le malheur que vous afflige; c'est la notre espoir en vous ecrivant, et ce sera, pour Mesdemoiselles Charlotte et Emily, une douce et belle recompense de leurs travaux.

"Rappelez-vous," me dit-il en souriant, "que l'Academie des Sciences Morales a sa part dans l'honneur que vous venez de recevoir." Fort repandu, fort apprecie dans le monde, il menait de front ses travaux litteraires, ses devoirs de juge, ses relations sociales, ses excursions; son activite etait extraordinaire.

"But my carrier-pigeons, gentlemen, source of my tenderest care; the brokerage, the speculation for the account, and my good friend, the Minister of the Interior, and of the Travaux Publics; and the snowball of my fortune, which must stop unproductive till I recover; how can I leave all these to fate?"

AURÈS, Essai sur le Système métrique assyrien, p. 10 (in the Recueil de Travaux relatifs

In the case of so important a structure, the number of altars was naturally more numerous. See Heuzey's note in De Sarzec's Découvertes en Chaldée, p. 65. See pp. 109 seq. See p. 106. Recueil des Travaux, etc., xvii. 39. See pp. 140 seq. See p. 110. Nebuchadnezzar, IR. 65, col. i. ll. 34, 35. This is to be concluded from Nebuchadnezzar, ib. l. 32.

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