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It sounded just as if the trees were snapping to pieces and, all of a sudden, a tornado struck them and up in the air went the Luckymobile with the two little rabbits, but what happened to the little squirrel I really don't know, unless it took him up, too, and hid him in a cloud.

Did you keep hallooing all that long time? or how did it happen we heard you?" "I was in a rocky place when that tornado came and it was near the water. I had just sense enough left to know they could protect me and crept under them. Oh! that was awful awful!" "It must have been, but I was so deep in our cave that I heard but little of it. Uncle and Angelique thought I was out in it and lost.

"I really am frightfully sorry," she apologised, as she handed him his tea. "I had no idea I was so wet. You'll have rather a bad ride home." "Oh, I'm used to it," he answered. "I'm afraid they'll lose a good many sheep on the higher farms, though, if the storm turns out as bad as it threatens. Hear that!" A tornado of wind seemed to shake the ground beneath their feet. Jane shivered.

The trees of the forest were bent lower than ever, and amid the whistling of the tornado came a crack like that of a big pistol. "Look out for the tree-top!" yelled Shep, and pulled Snap to one side. All jumped into the open and were just in time to escape about ten feet of the top of the tree, which sailed through the air and bit the lake surface with a loud splash.

It was out of sight that the coach turned to the left, Northwestward. A famous maxim in the book of the Old Buccaneer, treating of PRECAUTION, as 'The brave man's clean conscience, with sound counsel to the adventurous, has it: 'Then you sail away into the tornado, happy as a sealed bottle of ripe wine.

He could yell and crack his whip and make all the noise he wished, and if the other horse was frightened, it was the fault of his nerves. Everybody who knew anything of racing knew that. A perfect tornado of hisses met Travis at the grand-stand. But he had won the heat! What did he care? He could scarcely stop his mare. She seemed like a bird and as fresh.

As they worked, there came such an appalling thunderclap that it shook the ground beneath her, and for some minutes she was unable to hear even the droning roar of the rain-laden tornado that came tearing down from the mountains, snapping off the branches of the gum-trees, bending low the pliant boles of the moaning she-oaks, and lifting the waters of the creek up in sheets.

Both of them felt the better for the happening. But when Steve came unceremoniously to Mary's apartment that same evening, and Luke, very amusing and pathetic in his dignity, met him, innocent of the tornado of emotion sweeping about his nice boyish self Mary almost wished the happening had not taken place. For a moment she feared that Luke would try to take command of the situation.

It was probably owing to the unsettled state of the town, that I experienced such a want of hospitality in it, for, though I informed the inhabitants that I should only remain with them for one night, and assured them that Mansong had given me some kowries to pay for my lodging, yet no person invited me to come in; and I was forced to sit alone under the Bentang tree, exposed to the rain and wind of a tornado, which lasted with great violence until midnight.

"I want to halt your men till I look 'em over. Somebody's gone through a sutler's car over there on the other track and I think it was your crowd. I want to find out." "Halt nothin'," said Si, brushing him out of the way. "I'm goin' to git these youngsters their breakfast before there's a tornado or an earthquake. Go 'way, if you know what's good for you."