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He must make himself drunk somehow, and political passion is as good a tipple as another. Religion, Science, Morals, Love, Hate, Fear, Lust all serve the artist's turn, and Politics and Patriotism have done their bit.

It happened that we had in our cellar some fine claret; a few magnums of Léoville, '74, a present from a millionaire friend. We never drank it except upon great occasions. Ajax suggested a bottle of this elixir, not entirely out of charity. Such tipple would warm a graven image into speech, and my brother is inordinately curious.

I had taen twa or three glasses o' a dooms fine tipple they ca' Madeira, an' a moufu' o' cheese that was a'. Weel, I sat doon to my catalogue there, as it micht be here; but I hadna sat copyin' the teetles o' the buiks laid out upo' the muckle table afore me, for mair nor twa minutes, whan I heard a kin' o' a reestlin', an' I thocht it was mice, to whilk I'm a deidly enemy ever sin they ate half o' a first edition o' the Fairy Queen, conteenin' only the first three buiks, ye ken, o' whilk they consumed an' nae doot assimilated ae haill buik and full a half o' anither.

While still suffering from the effects of the tipple, he resolved to drink no more; but pledges made in the heat of intoxication are not the most hopeful ones. The boosy youngsters worried along the street; but instead of turning to the right, into the Rue de la Monnaie, they went straight ahead, and were soon lost in a maze of narrow streets.

Every man, therefore, in the army began to tipple, ply the pot, swill and guzzle it as fast as they could. In sum, they drunk so much, and so long, that they fell asleep like pigs, all out of order throughout the whole camp. Let us now return to the good Pantagruel, and relate how he carried himself in this business.

He would find scarce a respectable companion to enter its doors with him. It is an institution as extinct as a hackney-coach. Many a grown man who peruses this historic page has never seen such a vehicle, and only heard of rum-punch as a drink which his ancestors used to tipple. Cheery old Tom Sarjent is surrounded at the Haunt by a dozen of kind boon companions.

Here, seated under the shadow of a Moorish arch way, drinking lemonade, in default, as he said, of better tipple, Ted resolved to bide his time, but his time seemed rather long of coming. He therefore boldly entered the magnificent skiffa in search of Colonel Langley.

And the senawtus disna think me bye and aboon half a proper companion for buiks even; as gin Cupples micht corrup' Milton himsel, although he was ten feet ower his heid bottled in a buik. And whan I saw ye poor oot the whusky in that mad-like mainner, as gin 't had been some sma' tipple o' penny ale, it jist drave me mad wi' anger."

The Prior smacked his lips. "Friend Georgios, it is indeed a drink for the saints," he answered. "Ay, and has been a drink for sinners ere now for this is the very tipple that Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, drank with her Roman lover Antony, of whom you, being a learned man, may have heard.

They glanced at each other with alarmed eyes, like simple people confronted by an inexplicable phenomenon. 'But look here, mister! said Mr Colclough, pained, 'we've got this out specially for you. You don't suppose this is our usual tipple, do you? I yielded. I could do no less than sacrifice myself to their enchanting instinctive kindness of heart.