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Updated: August 10, 2024

O'Brien contended it was Thornton's privilege to knock the runners loose, leaving Buck to "break it out" from a dead standstill. Matthewson insisted that the phrase included breaking the runners from the frozen grip of the snow. A majority of the men who had witnessed the making of the bet decided in his favor, whereat the odds went up to three to one against Buck. There were no takers.

It is asserted, with regard to the storming of New Orleans, that Pakenham displayed imprudent hardihood, in the attempt to achieve by force, what might have been gained by combination; and that the whole mischief might have been avoided by throwing the whole troops instead of only Thornton's division, on the right bank of the river, and so have rendered unavailing all Jackson's formidable arrangements.

Gilpin's portrait of Colonel Thornton's celebrated Pitch, painted in 1790, presents a terrier having a smooth white coat with a black patch at the set-on of the undocked tail, and black markings on the face and ears. The dog's head is badly drawn and small in proportion; but the body and legs and colouring would hardly disgrace the Totteridge Kennels of to-day.

Pelham I can shew you the best sport in the world, if you can only spare me a little of your time this very evening, perhaps?" "I fear," said I, "I am engaged all the present week; but I long for nothing more than to cultivate an acquaintance, seemingly so exactly to my own taste." Thornton's grey eyes twinkled. "Will you breakfast with me on Sunday?" said he. "I shall be too happy," I replied

'Dear! and are you going to dine at Thornton's at Marlborough Mills? 'Yes, Bessy. Why are you so surprised? 'Oh, I dunno. But they visit wi' a' th' first folk in Milton. 'And you don't think we're quite the first folk in Milton, eh, Bessy? Bessy's cheeks flushed a little at her thought being thus easily read.

There the speaker broke off and shrugged his powerful shoulders. A brief silence fell, and through the sunflecks and the deep woodland shadows came the little voices that were all of peace, but into Rowlett's eyes flashed a sudden-born ghost of suspicion. "How come you ter git possession of ther place hyar?" he demanded. "Ye didn't heir hit from Old Burrell Thornton's folks, did ye?"

Thornton's look showed nothing beyond a faint curiosity; one would have said that he was as little interested in this man's stamping ground as in his name. "One more try," laughed Comstock easily, "and I'll give up. Two-Hand Billy Comstock.... Aha, I get you now!" For now Buck Thornton started and his eyes did show interest and a sudden flash of surprise.

There was a puzzled frown in her eyes, a faint flush tingeing her cheeks as, withdrawing her regard from Thornton's departure, she looked to Templeton and asked quickly: "Why did he call Henry Pollard a rattlesnake?" A faint smile for a moment threatened to drive the sternness away from Templeton's lips. But it was gone in a quick tightening of the mouth, and he answered briefly.

"Tear up that check of mine so small you can't find the pieces, Helena," he said hurriedly; "and send Thornton's right off to any old bank you like in New York. Endorse it, and write them a note saying you wish to open an account. Enclose your signature, and tell them to mail back the bank-book, a check-book, deposit slips and all that.

A liberal use of ground limestone and large use of clover may be sufficient to greatly improve your soil; but if I am permitted to separate Miss Russell and the Thorntons " Mr. Thornton's hilarious "Ha, ha" cut Percy short. He crimsoned and the ladies smiled at each other with expressions that revealed nothing whatever. "Now let me finish," Percy continued, when Mr. Thornton had somewhat subsided.

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