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Air yo', er haint yo', a-goin' ter leave hyar, an' keep erway?" "As I told you before, it's none of your business," replied Don shortly. "An' es I told ye before, hit air. Now I tells ye thet yo' haint a-comin' back." "That ... remains to be seen," Donald answered wrathfully as he stepped past Judd, this time unimpeded.

They were all right till they got outside of Brackton's whisky. But now I won't answer for them." "Wal, you're square to say thet," replied Bostil. "An' I'll run this race an' answer for everybody." Bostil recognized Hutchinson and Dick Sears, but the others of Cordts's gang he did not know. They were a hard-looking lot.

Ef ye wants ter go indoors an' stay thar, ye kin do hit an' no dawg ner no man hain't a-goin' ter ask ye no questions. But, ef ye sees fit ter face hit out, I'd love ter prove ter these hyar men thet us Souths don't break our word. We done agreed ter this truce.

"More'n that," continued the trapper, "I'll stake high thet he ordered them not to foller him, afeerd thet some on 'em mout see what he kim for. If he'd a-thought they knew or suspected, he'd 'a sent some other, an' not kum himself; that's what he'd 'a done."

"When I'm awake I kain't help seein' things." "And you're a pastoral philosopher." Bub scowled and gave him a surly glance. "What's the use firin' thet high-brow stuff at me?" he asked indignantly. "I s'pose ye think I'm a kid, jes' 'cause I don't do no fancy talkin'." "I suspect you of nothing but generosity in giving me this ride," said the stranger pleasantly. "Is that Bigbee's, over yonder?"

On a hill, thet car's a cat; on a level stretch, she's a jack-rabbit. I've seen Will Morrison take 'er ter Millbank an' back in a hour jus' one lonesome hour!" "That must have been in its good days," observed Mary Louise. "The thing hasn't any tires on it now." "Will takes the tires off ev'ry year, when he goes away, an' puts 'em in the cellar," explained Bub.

"Ping-pong Martin wuz in ther outfit thet year. Mebbe yer knows him?" Bud looked at the small boy inquiringly, much to his embarrassment. "No, sir, I never heard of him before." "Well, no matter, but this Ping-pong cuss, he had a personal friend, a goat, what couldn't no more be shook than a sore thumb, and had follered Ping off ter ther wars, so to speak.

He was a veritable child in mentality, though he spoke English better than most Mexican laborers. Blinky was the only one who ever tried to match wits with Lying Juan. "Juan, thet shore reminds me of somethin'," began Blinky impressively. "Yea, hit shore does. Onct I almost got hitched up with Victorie.

"He knew we was arter money to develop, and when he made thet offer I warn't goin' to be sich a permiscuss Charley-hoss as to refuse. It'd be a burnin' crime not to freeze to this customer. It takes time to find customers, even for a good thing like this here, and it's bein' a leetle out of the usual run will make it slower still." "But my people East.

She repeated the words after him still in that even somewhat puzzled quiet which was, for her, almost toneless. "Jack Halloway, when ye went away from hyar yestiddy evenin' an' I'd sat thar fer a full measured hour an' thought, I 'lowed thar warn't a soul on earth ner in hell thet I hated so much as you. I'd done med up my mind ter kill ye afore I laid down ter sleep."