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"Thees ees for die liddle German maiden und for you," he said. "Oh! my dear M. Schmucke, you have given away your wealth to inhuman wretches, to people who are trying to take away your good name. I took this paper to a good man, an attorney who knows this Fraisier, and he says that you ought to punish such wickedness; you ought to let them summon you and leave them to get out of it.

He had divined the dreadful truth! "For the love of God, collect to yourself many kinds of thees berry! All you can! Your full arms round! Rest tranquil. Leave to your ole oncle to make for you a delicate exposure. At the instant!" He was gone again. I gathered, wonderingly, a few of the larger clusters of parti-colored fruit and patiently waited.

The sheep gave a second bleat, and then a third, and Rosythe, red in the face and apparently choking, turned and fled to the corridor. Madame Planchet drew me apart and said: "Meester Billee, tell me something. Ees eet true that thees gentleman ees a healer? He takes away the pains?" "He did it for me," I answered. "He ees vairy handsome, eh, Meester Billee?" "Yes, that is true."

Is he tired of you?" The colour mounted slowly to the woods bully's swarthy cheek. "Mademoiselle Sumnair, he's tell me pretty soon he's goin' be boss of Laguna Grande an' stop all thees fight. An' w'en Mademoiselle, he is in the saddle, good-bye Jules Rondeau. Thees country I like him. I feel sad, M'sieur, to leave dose beeg trees." He paused, looking rather wistfully at Bryce.

Then the board say: 'Thees report with the hoss in him is worth two thousand dollar, but WITHOUT the hoss he is worth five thousand dollar. For the stockholder is frighted of the rearing hoss. It is of a necessity that the stockholder should remain tranquil.

Now we go little ride more to my house high up in the pinons then we be so happy like two birds in nes'. Firs' we rest ourselves, querida mia. This good place for res', my sweetheart that comes so far to be with Ramon. To-morrow we go to my house to nes' of my loved one. Thees cabin, she's very good little nes' ontil tomorrow yoh theenk so?"

And all de tam I look rount vaire mooch, work lak hell, but no can find das dam mans, and no get one thousand dollar 'tall. By dam! "Heh? Ah, oui. One tam dose mens vot come from Circle City, dose mens know thees mans. Him Birch Creek, dey spik. And madame? Her say 'Bon! and look happy lak anyt'ing. And her spik wit me. 'Pierre, her spik, 'harness de dogs. We go queek.

"But will she not regard lofe the admiration excessif?" he said, twirling his thin little mustache meditatively. "No; she will not," I returned sharply; "and you ought to understand that she is on a different level from your Manuelas and Carmens." "Pardon, my friend," he said gravely; "thees women are ever the same. There is a proverb in my language.

Republican here same a Republican at home eena Etallee. Republican eternall! All good Republican eena thees house! Hoor-r-ra!" "Well," said Pixley, with a furtiveness half habit, as he rose to go, "of course, you want to keep your eye on your committee-man, and kind of foller along with him, whatever he does. That's me." He placed a dingy bottle on the keg.

Osborne has come in reply to her letter," he said to the little black-eyed French maid. "Ees Meestaire Osborrrrne zee new groom?" "Yes." "I go thees minute!" Hein! what a fine-looking young man to make eyes at on cold nights in the kitchen! Warburton sat down and twirled his hat. Several times he repressed the desire to laugh. He gazed curiously about him.