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Him not friend to Wagalexa Conka say nothing always go around still, like fox watching for rabbit. You not friend to Bill Holmes?" "Me? No I not friend, querida mia. I got business. I sell Bill Holmes one silver bridle, perhaps. I don' know mus' talk about it. Yoh tell him come here by big rock, sweetheart?" Annie-Many-Ponies took a minute for deliberation which is the Indian way.

Te acuerdas de aquella noche En que triste y abatida Una lagrima querida Vi de tus ojos brotar. Although Russell was at the base of the high wall he saw that a light flashed. The light was followed by the clapping of little hands. "Jove!" he thought, "am I really jealous? But damn that Californian!" Altimira sang two more songs and was rewarded by the same demonstrations.

"Juana, querida," he whispered hoarsely, "get Pepito and fly to the mission. Tell the Father. Leave me; I am past help. The arrow was poisoned. Go at once." "Diego, Diego, I cannot go; let me die here with you. Let the Indian kill me, too. Where is he?" and she looked wildly around. "He is hiding among the trees by the stream. Juana, go, I command you. Santa Maria!

A moment later the sweet thin chords of the guitar quivered in the quiet air, and a tenor, so fine that even Russell stood entranced, sang to Benicia one of the old songs of Monterey: Una mirada un suspiro, Una lagrima querida, Es balsamo

But teach me a Spanish phrase of endearment. All our 'darlings' and 'dearests' are too flat for California." "Bueno; I teach you. Say after me: Mi muy querida prima. That is very sweet. Say." "Mi muy " "Querida prima." "Que What is it in English?" "My very darling first. It no sound so pretty in English." "It does very well.

"Elsie, dearest Elsie!" I cried with a start, as the strange coincidence of the presentment struck me, the date being even identical. "Do you remember what day of the month this is, querida mia?"

"Dios, mi querida," answered Carmen. Even the wicked Sea! And He had said unto it: "Thus far, and no farther." ... Was that why it had not overtaken and devoured her when she ran back in fear from the sudden reaching out of its waves? Thus far....? But there were times when it disobeyed when it rushed further, shaking the world!

peso: A silver coin, either the Spanish peso or the Mexican dollar, about the size of an American dollar and of approximately half its value. petate: Sleeping-mat woven from palm leaves. piña: Fine cloth made from pineapple-leaf fibers. Provincial: The head of a religious order in the Philippines. puñales: "Daggers!" querida: A paramour, mistress: from the Spanish "beloved."

"O Heavens!" he exclaimed; "is this possible? do I hear aright? Dearest Catalina! It was this I would have proposed, but I dared not do it. I feared to make the proposal, so wild does it seem. What! forsake all for me? Oh, querida! querida! Tell me that this is what your words mean! Say you will go with me!" "I will!" was the short but firm reply. "O God!

Drawing a long breath, as if relieved from a heavy burden, she hastened to his side, and, clasping his delicately formed hand, kissed it with passionate tenderness; but the Emperor withdrew it, saying with a mournful smile, which gave his rigid countenance a new and more winning expression, in the Castilian language in which he always addressed her: "Why are you so agitated, Querida?