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She did not see any silver bridle. She heard many words, but the two were speaking in that strange Spanish talk which she did not know at all, save "Querida mia," which Ramon had told her meant sweetheart. The two talked, low-voiced and earnest, Bill was telling all that he knew of Luck Lindsay's plans and that was not much. "He don't talk," Bill complained.

It was a woman without a tapis, or tunic, dressed in a green and yellow skirt and a camisa of blue gauze, easily recognizable from her costume as a querida of the soldiery. Sisa felt as if she had received a slap in the face, for that woman had exposed her before the crowd. She raised her eyes for a moment to get her fill of scorn and hate, but saw the people far, far away.

Besides, remember I have set both you and Cypriano a lesson, which you must learn off to-day. There is nothing to fear, querida!" he adds, addressing himself to his wife. "We are not now in Paraguay, but a country where our old Friend Francia and his satellites dare not intrude on us. Besides, I cannot spare the good Caspar from some work I have given him to do. Bah!

Bit hard on me, but fortunately for you, Janie Janet, I'm rather a dab at languages 'specially when it comes to what the late lamented Boche referred to as 'cosy names. Querida mi alma, douchka, Herzliebchen, carissima; and bien, bien-aimée, I'll not run out of salutations for you this side of heaven no nor t'other. I adore the serene grace with which you ignore the ravishing Liane.

As soon as she had entered the house she proceeded directly to her own chamber, and, opening the little folded slip of paper, read: "Querida Catalina! You have made me happy. But an hour ago I was the most wretched of men. I have lost my sister, and I feared your esteem. Both are restored to me.

DOÑA MATILDE. No, papá duerme todavía y estará sin duda bien lejos de soñar o de pensar que el terrible momento se aproxima en que va a decidirse para siempre el porvenir de su hija única y querida ... ¡para siempre! Ay, Bruno, si pudieras comprender toda la fuerza y la extensión de esta palabra ¡para siempre!