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Say straucht oot 'at thae coorse jawds that hing aboot i' the gloamin' hae gotten a grip o' the bonnie lad. Eh! but he'll fair ill; and the Lord hae mercy upo' him and nane upo' them!" "Hoot! hoot! lass; dinna speik wi' sic a venom. Ye ken wha says Vengeance is mine?" "Ay, ay, weel eneuch. And I houp He'll tak's ain upo' sic brazen hizzies.

Nohow, Peter, it aren't natral woman tak's a lot o' knowin'. 'Marry in 'aste, an' repent in leisure! That aren't in the Bible, but it ought to be." "And your own marriage was a truly happy one, Ancient?" "Ah! that it were, Peter, 'appy as ever was but then, ye see, there was a Providence in it.

Of course, ye can please yersel'," he went on, "it's a' yin to me; but if Rundell tak's it into his head to ha'e a fight, well ye ken what it means, an' I wouldna like to ha'e ony strife the noo', for times are very hard for us a'." Simple and honest as Jamie was, Black Jock's plausibility appealed to him, and he began to think that Walker perhaps was not so bad as he was made to appear.

"See't?" says I, I says. "What wud bender's frae seein't? An' is that what gomitry learns you?" says I. "It is that," says Sandy. "That's the first exyem." "Weel," says I, "it tak's a michty lang road to tell you what ony three-'ear-auld bairn in the G-O goes cud tell you in a jiffy." "Ah, but it's the mental dreel that's the vailable thing," says Sandy. "It learns you to argey, d'ye no' see?

A can tell when a child of a Preston tak's to being proud o' their kin, by t' cut o' their nose. Now Philip's and my missus's has a turn beyond common i' their nostrils, as if they was sniffin' at t' rest of us world, an' seein' if we was good enough for 'em to consort wi'. Thee an' me, lass, is Robsons oat-cake folk, while they's pie-crust.

"What I was sayin'," brock in Sandy, "was that when a man's heid's fu' o' brains, an' them wirkin' juist like barm, he maun hae some occupation for his intelleck, or his facilties 'ill gie wey. There's Bandy Wobster, for instance, tak's up his heid wi' gomitry an' triangles an' siclike, juist 'cause he has some brains in his heid, an' maun occupy them; an' what for no' me as weel?"

'Tis not for the like of us to be watching ower closely the doings of them that tak's the risk while we drink the drappie!" Oh, wise and somnolent lady, somewhat ill-informed in the present case, but on the whole of excellent and approven advice!

Ye see, Sandy's a bit o' a theologian aye when he's onweel. If he's keepit i' the hoose wi' a host or a sair heid, Sandy juist tak's a dose o' medicin', an' starts to wirry awa' at Bunyan or the Bible. He's a queer cratur that wey, for as halikit a character as he is.

Gang benn to the chop and get a cnottie o' reid candy-sugar, and gie her that the neist time ye see her her lane. The likes o' her kens what that means. And gin she tak's 't frae ye, ye may hae the run o' the drawer. It's worth while, ye ken. Them 'at winna saw winna reap." From that moment she was on her guard. Nor did she give the youth a chance of putting his father's advice into operation.

It's like a heap o' woo' just after shearin' time; it's worth a deal, but it tak's a vast o' combin', an' cardin', an' spinnin' afore it can be made use on. Having ended his oration, much to his own satisfaction, Kester tossed off his glass of wine, smacked his lips, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, pocketed his cake, and made off. That night Sylvia spoke of his visit to her husband.