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If we com' by de water-hole, A'm t'ink dat dam' lucky t'ing." Tex regarded him with disapproval: "Climb onto your horse, old Calamity Jane, an' we'll mosey along. A dry camp is better than this at least nobody can crawl around in their sleep an' drink a snifter of poison."

"Me t'ink good time go on," said Mango. I thought so too; indeed, I had become very anxious about Leo. The camp, I hoped, was at no great distance, and I thought it would be better to obtain assistance for him, rather than take a long rest and have to travel during the heat of the day.

For answer, Vermilion pointed toward the river-bank, where the men were working with long poles in the overturning of the scow. "We shove heem out in de rivaire. Wen dey fin', dey t'ink she mak' for teep ovaire in de Chute. Voil

"Perhaps you were right," said the captain with a laugh; "but I am afraid we are not through with those attempts; they came so near succeeding that they will soon try it again." "I don't t'ink dat black rascal will try it wery soon, 'cause I gib him a shookin' up dat he wont git ober for a week." "I have no doubt of that, but there are others just as venturesome as he, and they will try it."

Mebbe I sell him for beeg price." "Why doesn't it have any gold?" Rouletta was genuinely curious. "Why? Biccause I stake him," 'Poleon laughed heartily. "Dose claim I stake dey never has so much gold you can see wit' your eye. Not one, an' I stake t'ousan'. Me, I hear dose man talk 'bout million dollar; I'm drinkin' heavy so I t'ink I be millionaire, too.

"Why, yes, Peter," she said warmly, "I always see a good deal of Edith we're great friends, you know." "Yes, missus, that's vone reason vy I come Edit' t'ink no vone like you ever vas, ever shall be. But den I'm vorried 'bout Edit'." "Worried? Why, Peter? She's well and strong." "Oh, yes, she's vell ver' vell. But Edit' love to have a good time 'vun' she say.

"Hee's not fonny dat she bre'ks t'rough," he said. "I 'ave see dem bre'k t'rough two, t'ree tam in de day, but nevaire dat she get drown! W'en dose dam-fool can't t'ink wit' hees haid sacre Dieu! eet is so easy, to chok' dat cheval she make me cry wit' de eye!" "I suppose it was a good deal my fault," commented Radway, doubtfully shaking his head, after Laveque had left the office.

I never had no better crew," cried the pilot. "Wat you t'ink of 'im, eh?" He smiled down at the white-lipped oarsmen, who leaned forward, panting and dripping. "Is that all of it?" Lucky Broad inquired, weakly. "Mais non! Look! Dere's Wite 'Orse." Doret indicated a wall of foam and spray farther down the river. Directly across the expanse of whirlpools stood a village named after the rapids.

Bea artlessly considered Carol the most beautiful and accomplished lady in the country; she was always shrieking, "My, dot's a swell hat!" or, "Ay t'ink all dese ladies yoost die when dey see how elegant you do your hair!" But it was not the humbleness of a servant, nor the hypocrisy of a slave; it was the admiration of Freshman for Junior. They made out the day's menus together.

I t'ink he's go mad! I tell you what I'll foller him wid a rifle an' knife and two revolvers." "You'll do nothing of the sort," said Nigel, laying hold of the negro's wrist with a grip of iron; "when a man like Van der Kemp gives an order it's the duty of inferior men like you and me strictly to obey." "Well p'raps you're right, Nadgel," returned Moses calmly.