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"You are right " At this moment the dog gave another deep growl. "Sister," said Rose, as she pressed closer to Blanche, "there is the dog growling again. What can be the matter with him?" "Spoil-sport, do not growl! Come hither," said Blanche, striking with her little hand on the side of the bed.

The smith was about to apply his shoulder vigorously to the door, when Spoil-sport growled hoarsely, and made a "point." Dagobert silenced the dog with a word, and grasping his son's arm, said to him in a whisper: "Do not stir. The dog has scented some one in the garden." Agricola and his father remained for some minutes motionless, holding their breath and listening.

Sir Henry put his hand upon my shoulder with a pleasant smile. "My dear fellow," said he, "Holmes, with all his wisdom, did not foresee some things which have happened since I have been on the moor. You understand me? I am sure that you are the last man in the world who would wish to be a spoil-sport. I must go out alone." It put me in a most awkward position.

Ever see patent leather shoes, Eena?" asked Banty, with some disgust. "I don't know, me. I think not," replied The Eena. "You're lucky," went on Banty. "But my cousin's sure to wear them, and they're spoil-sport things, I can tell you! No salmon fishing, no mountaineering, no hunting while they're around. But, Eena, why do you call my cousin a King Georgeman?"

We'll go over early and finish that ten foot hole by noon, then we'll have all afternoon for the treasure." "Kit said it would take us at the very least, a full week, to do that work," returned Enid. "Don't be a spoil-sport," pouted Bet. "You don't know anything about it." But Shirley Williams and Joy Evans both backed up Enid. "Why, Bet, that hole has to be dug through solid rock, almost."

Coachman keep that dog back." Rose and Blanche, in getting out of the coach, were so much occupied with Spoil-sport, that they did not perceive the portress, who was half hidden behind the little door.

"Blessed angel!" resumed the other sister in a still more feeble voice; "appear to Dagobert, also. Tell him, that we ask his forgiveness, for the grief our death will occasion him." "And let our old friend caress our poor Spoil-sport for us our faithful guardian," added Blanche, trying to smile.

"Oh, M. Dagobert! my legs tremble under me. How you did scare me, to be sure!" "Will you begone, brute?" resumed the veteran; and seizing Loony by the arm, he pushed him towards the door, while Spoil-sport, with recumbent ears, and hair standing up like the quills of a porcupine, seemed inclined to accelerate his retreat.

Their large, mild eyes of limpid azure, which always had a dreamy character, were now never bathed in those joyous tears, with which a burst of frank and hearty laughter used of old to adorn their silky lashes, when the comic coolness of Dagobert, or some funny trick of Spoil-sport, cheered them in the course of their long and weary pilgrimage.

Still more and better, she frequently took Miss Aline off and left him free to do it, though in any case Miss Aline was the last woman in the world to be a spoil-sport, even though her kind heart might ache for Louis Raincy. On their next visit to Windsor Queen Charlotte took the Princess aside and pressed her, in her usual motherly fashion, on the subject.