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If there were a more popular candidate in Alvord's place, or a less popular one in Sanford's place, it wouldn't be such a walkover!" "You you " Hendricks looked at Eunice in speechless admiration. The dancing eyes were impudent, the red lips curved scornfully, and she made a daring little moue at him as she readjusted her black lace veil so that a heavy bit of its pattern covered her mouth.

He stood for a moment speechless, gathering his thoughts, which almost refused to be gathered. "Do I understand you, Hester?" he said. "It would trouble me more than I can tell to find I do." "I fear I understand you, Gartley!" said Hester. "Is it possible you would have me abandon my friends to the small-pox, as a hireling his sheep to the wolf?"

In a word, young man, you are in love, and with my daughter Violante." Randal was so startled by this direct and unexpected charge upon his own masked batteries, that he did not even attempt his defence. His head drooped on his breast, and he remained speechless.

This here second morgidge, not bein' on record, may jest as well go onto the fire it's gettin' low an' here's a satisfaction piece which I'm goin' to execute now, that'll clear the thousan' dollar one. Come in here, John," he called out. The widow stared at David for a moment speechless, but as the significance of his words dawned upon her, the blood flushed darkly in her face.

"O God," she murmured, "what have I been that he should be speechless from surprise, when I merely greet him as a daughter should!" Van Berg turned hastily away, for he felt that scenes were coming, on which he had no right to look.

"In that case," said Fandor, "will you look on the deed as done, and take it that you are no longer in existence?" The corporal stared at Fandor, speechless, absolutely dumbfounded. Fandor made his idea more definite. "From this moment you do not exist any more, you are nothing, you are no longer Corporal Vinson."... "And then?"... But Fandor must have a definite promise. "Is this agreed to?"...

I had my seat with the others in the pit, and sat speechless with admiration when the curtain went up. The play was called Adventures on a Walking Tour. I could not understand anything. Men came on the stage and talked together. One crept forward under a bush and sang. I could not grasp the meaning of it, and when I asked I was only told to be quiet.

It was not till afterwards that I thought this rather characteristically dull of him. I drew him far away I was conscious of Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Gotch, looking at us as we passed into the empty stale smoking-room: he remained speechless, and that struck me as like him. I had to speak first, he couldn't even relieve me by saying "Is anything the matter?"

I saw a large personage enter the door and stand before me. His apparel was as white as the driven snow and his countenance as bright as the noonday sun. I felt paralyzed, and was speechless and motionless. He remained with me but a moment, then receded through the door.

In his anger he hurled it at the side of the cabin and was horrified to see it go through the boat's side. He did not know that the biscuit happened to strike a hole that had been temporarily stopped up with putty and paint. He turned speechless to the others and saw Hicks lift a biscuit on high about to dash it onto the cabin floor.