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Updated: January 28, 2025
"Did I not call at your request upon a gentleman in a red nightcap at two in the morning? And for your sake and the sake of sport did I not almost promise him many things? Come now, am I not to see you and explain all that; and hear you explain all this?" She made a little moue at me. "It would be my delight, Madam, but there are two reasons " "One, then."
Car je suis blonde moi je suis Blanche et blonde," and she looked at her face and made a moue in the glass; and never stopped for Laura's answer to the questions which she had put. Blanche was fair, and like a sylph. She had fair hair, with green reflections in it. But she had dark eyebrows. She had long black eyelashes, which veiled beautiful brown eyes.
And therefore his Maiesties pleasure is, that you let me vnderstand what sutes you haue to moue in the merchants behalfe, or otherwise, for that tomorrowe you shall haue accesse againe vnto his highnes, and shall haue full answere in all things, with your dispatch away.
He smiled and nodded in return, bowed to M. Linders, and so went away. There was a moment's silence after he went, and then, "You have made a fine acquaintance this evening, Madelon," said her uncle. Madelon made a little moue, but did not answer. "Are you then mad, Adolphe," he said again, "that you permit Madeleine to pick up an acquaintance with anyone who chooses to speak to her?
He found either that he had nothing to say to her, or that what she had to say to him was rather dull and commonplace, and that the red lip of a white-necked pipe of Virginia was decidedly more agreeable to him now than Maria's softest accents and most melancholy moue. When George went to Kensington, then, Harry did not care much about going, and pleaded other engagements.
Thus, before we reached the Indian Ocean, I was aware that the gossips had so far condescended as to link my name with that of one whom I certainly rated as the most attractive of her sex on board. Indeed, it was Mrs. Oldcastle herself who drew my attention to this, with a little moue of contempt and disgust. 'Really, people on board ship are too despicable in this matter of gossip, she said.
If there were a more popular candidate in Alvord's place, or a less popular one in Sanford's place, it wouldn't be such a walkover!" "You you " Hendricks looked at Eunice in speechless admiration. The dancing eyes were impudent, the red lips curved scornfully, and she made a daring little moue at him as she readjusted her black lace veil so that a heavy bit of its pattern covered her mouth.
As she lay on her crazy bed, surrounded by priests, she made the supreme and crowning bon mot of her brilliant life. Stretching out her wasted arm to the nearly empty absinthe bottle by her bed, she made a slightly resentful moue and murmured "Encore une!" Oh, brave, witty Bibi!
"Miss Benson has got at least six. Seven, is it? More than my wife has. And among them was the famous man-eater of Mardhura, which had killed twenty-three persons. The natives of the district call her 'The Tiger Girl." "Troth, my name for you is a prettier one, Miss Benson," said Burke laughing. She made a moue at him, but said to the subaltern: "Cheer up, Mr.
"MY novel ?" faltered he. "Your novel," she repeated, smiling sweetly, and mimicking his tone. Then she made a little moue. "Of course, I have known that you were your friend Felix Wildmay, from the outset." "Oh," said Peter, in a feeble sort of gasp, looking bewildered. "You have known that from the outset?" And his brain seemed to reel. "Yes," said she, "of course.
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