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"Who are you, Miss Snowe?" she inquired, in a tone of such undisguised and unsophisticated curiosity, as made me laugh in my turn.

"Certainly not," I answered proudly; "when my time comes for Lorna, I shall not study Betty Muxworthy." In this way the Squire got over us; and Farmer Nicholas Snowe was sent for, to counsel with mother about the matter and to set his two daughters sewing.

"Don't think I should care a fig about it," was the response. "That is not true. You told Lucy Snowe you longed to have a ride." Graham, coming in soon after, observed to his mother, "Mamma, I believe that creature is a changeling: she is a perfect cabinet of oddities; but I should be dull without her: she amuses me a great deal more than you or Lucy Snowe."

'No, I should hope not, I answered rashly; 'she is not a mere cook-maid I should hope. 'She is not half so pretty as Sally Snowe; I will answer for that, said Annie. 'She is ten thousand times as pretty as ten thousand Sally Snowes, I replied with great indignation. 'Oh, but look at Sally's eyes! cried my sister rapturously.

They knew they had succeeded in expelling obnoxious teachers before now; they knew that Madame would at any time throw overboard a professeur or maitresse who became unpopular with the school that she never assisted a weak official to retain his place that if he had not strength to fight, or tact to win his way, down he went: looking at "Miss Snowe," they promised themselves an easy victory.

John till I was fit to die for liking him, that alone could not license me to be otherwise than dumb dumb as the grave dumb as you, Lucy Snowe you know it and you know you would despise me if I failed in self-control, and whined about some rickety liking that was all on my side."

I have not danced for a score of years; and I will not dance now, while the mistress and the owner of the harvest sits aside neglected." "Nay, Master Huckaback," cried Sally Snowe, with a saucy toss of her hair; "Mistress Ridd is too kind a great deal, in handing you over to me. You take her; and I will fetch Annie to be my partner this evening.

This Nicholas Snowe was to come in the evening, with his three tall comely daughters, strapping girls, and well skilled in the dairy; and the story was all over the parish, on a stupid conceit of John Fry's, that I should have been in love with all three, if there had been but one of them. These Snowes were to come, and come they did, partly because Mr.

I long always to know what really IS, and am only unnerved when kept in the dark. . . . . . . "As to the character of 'Lucy Snowe, my intention from the first was that she should not occupy the pedestal to which 'Jane Eyre' was raised by some injudicious admirers. She is where I meant her to be, and where no charge of self-laudation can touch her.

However, when the hot cup was done, and before the mulled wine was ready, we packed all the maidens in the parlour and turned the key upon them; and then we drew near to the kitchen fire to hear Uncle Ben's proposal. Farmer Snowe sat up in the corner, caring little to bear about anything, but smoking slowly, and nodding backward like a sheep-dog dreaming.