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A gleam of exultation shot across the darkly painted lineaments of the inhabitant of the forest, as he traced the route of his intended victims, who rode unconsciously onward; the light and graceful forms of the females waving among the trees, in the curvatures of their path, followed at each bend by the manly figure of Heyward, until, finally, the shapeless person of the singing-master was concealed behind the numberless trunks of trees, that rose, in dark lines, in the intermediate space.

"Your friend here has told me about his wonderful exploits how he thrashed the town bully, and beat the singing-master at his own game." Bob Wood and Strout glared at Abner. "But his experiences, which I have been told have appeared in print," the stranger continued, "are trifling compared with the perils and adventures which have fallen to my lot. I could make your blood run cold."

If he had she would have answered, with a sigh: "I went to see my mother while Jacqueline was taking her dancing-lesson, and before she went to her singing-master." That she was passionately attached to Jacqueline was proved by the affection the little girl conceived for her. "We two are friends," both mother and daughter often said of each other.

The next sound in the house nothing more remarkable than the creaking of a man's boots descending the stairs made me shudder all over. The man was no doubt the singing-master, going away after giving his lesson. I heard the house door close on him, and started at the familiar sound as if it were something terrible which I had never heard before. Then there was silence again.

A few days after her arrival at Versailles, she was introduced to her singing-master, La Garde, author of the opera of "Egle." She made a distant appointment with him, needing, as she said, rest after the fatigues of the journey and the numerous fetes which had taken place at Versailles; but her motive was her desire to conceal how ignorant she was of the rudiments of music.

Gottlieb hurried on, finding Jonas much harder to understand than the prophecies. "I hear the singing-master is goin' to jine," said Cynthy Ann. "Wonder ef they'll take him with all his seals and straps, and hair on his upper lip, with the plain words of the Bible agin gold and costly apparel? Wonder ef he's tuck in, too?" "Tuck in? He an't one of that kind. He don't never git tuck in he tucks in.

I remained, therefore, Madam de Menthon's daughter's singing-master, and nothing more! but I lived happily, and was ever well received at Chambery, which was a thousand times more desirable than passing for a wit with her, and for a serpent with everybody else.

"This phenomenal voice, then, might mind; I say might be cultivated to better purpose by metropolitan teachers." "We have a fine singing-master here," exclaimed Frank, but Patty rapped him to silence.

These old bigots must have been paralyzed at the new style of psalm-singing which was invented and introduced by a Massachusetts tanner and singing-master named Billings, and which was suggested, doubtless, by the English anthems. It spread through the choirs of colonial villages and towns like wild-fire, and was called "fuguing." Mr. Billings' "Fuguing Psalm Singer" was published in 1770.

It was sot down in the Bible and in the Methodist Discipline that it was a sin to wear gold, and she should think the poor man hadn't no sort o' regard for his soul, weighing it down with them things. But Jonas only remarked that he guessed his jewelry warn't no sin. He didn't remember nothing agin wearin' pewter. The singing-master, Mr.