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On the wall of the same room is a portrait of Napoleon himself as the young general of the republic with the citizen's unkempt hair, the fierce fire of the Revolution in his eyes, a frown upon his forehead, lips compressed, and quivering nostrils; also one of his mother, the pastille of a handsome woman, with Napoleonic eyes and brows and nose, but with a vacant simpering mouth.

Get up like a decent animal and do something for your living. Use your brain, what there is of it, and your body. At that price you can have health to-morrow, and at no other. I can do nothing for you. "And sooner or later I blurt it out." He laughed his great roar. "Lord! you should see the real face coming out of the simpering mask. "Pompous old fools, strutting into me like turkey-cocks!

"Of course she will some day, and of course she'll like it," said Miss Spalding. "We both of us have been there already." "But I mean Monkhams," said Lady Rowley, still simpering. "I declare I believe mamma thinks that your sister is to be married to Mr. Glascock!" said Lucy. "And so she is; isn't she?" said Lady Rowley. "Oh, mamma!" said Nora, jumping up.

He bit his lip in chagrin. As is usually the case with invalids, he was at times inclined to be decidedly irritable, as was the case just now. "It is you who have driven me to seek the seclusion of my own apartments, to be out of sight and hearing of the household of simpering idiots you insist upon keeping about you," he cried, angrily. "I came back to Whitestone Hall for peace and rest.

The girls had fits of laughter over the queer costumes of years gone by, and put up a splendid procession of ladies in full skirts, towering hats, pointed slippers, powdered hair, simpering faces, and impossible waists. "I do think this bride is perfectly splendid, the long train and veil are so sweet," said Jill, revelling in fine clothes as she turned from one plate to another.

We meet with it in a chin, and we say, "There it is! That's Blood!" It is an actual matter of fact. We point it out. It admits of no doubt. The simpering fellow with the weak legs, who had taken Agnes down, stated the question more decisively yet, I thought. 'Oh, you know, deuce take it, said this gentleman, looking round the board with an imbecile smile, 'we can't forego Blood, you know.

I thought once or twice of jumping into a cab, and flying; of taking refuge in Day and Martin's Blacking Warehouse; of speaking to a policeman, but not one would come. I was this man's slave. I followed him like his dog. I COULD not get away from him. So, you see, I went on meanly conversing with him, and affecting a simpering confidence.

I am sure by the look in her eyes that she knows it by heart." "We all do," said John Mortimer's eldest daughter. "Ah! it's a fine thing to be a public character," observed her father; "but even I aspire to some notice from the True Blue next week in consequence of having old Nicholas for my gardener." "I am very fond of poetry," said Laura simpering. "I should like to hear the poem you spoke of."

There were the inevitable churches with decorations of faded artificial flowers and much tarnished tinsel, the same wooden images with large eyes and simpering little mouths, the same glaring chromos of the Virgin and her angels.

Montenero spoke, and to look at her watch, while Lady Anne, simpering, repeated, "Dear, how odd!" Then placing herself opposite to a large mirror, Lady Anne re-adjusted her dress. That settled, she had nothing to do but to recount her horrors over again. Her mother, lost in reverie, sat motionless.