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Updated: August 15, 2024

Don't be long gone an' don't get shooted. An' he says: 'Not while I've got a leg undher me an' a rock in front iv me, he says. I tell ye, Hinnissy, ye can't beat a man that fights f'r his home an' counthry in a stovepipe hat.

Frost, smiling, "who would doubtless sympathize entirely with him in his objection to being shooted, though they might not be quite so ready to make confession as he has shown himself. I suppose you have heard the couplet: "'He who fights and runs away May live to fight another day." "Pray don't speak about shooting," said Mrs. Frost, with a shudder. "It makes me feel nervous."

Behaved beautifully, indeed. I was watching them. It's not a matter to take to heart, Colonel. As some German General said of his men, they wanted to be shooted over a little, that was all." To himself he said "Now they're blooded I can give 'em responsible work. It's as well that they got what they did. 'Teach 'em more than half a dozen rifle flirtations, that will later run alone and bite.

The man might take a notion to slide down, with the intention of attacking him, and Thad wanted to make sure of his line of defense, like a wise general always should. "Hey! wot's thet ye say? I got a boat just a leettle way below hyer, an' my dorg's got a right ter run loose. Ye owns up ye shooted ther pore critter, does yer?

"I guess," pursued Prudy, "the man that shooted found 'twas uncle Henry, and so he didn't want to kill him down dead." How the family found time to do so many things that day, I do not know, especially as each one was in somebody's way, and the children under everybody's feet.

Dis nigger ain't afeered, but Cyd don't want to be shooted, kase you can't do widout Cyd." But the trembling foremast hand took his place at the tiller. He continued to mutter to himself, as though he was repelling the charge of cowardice which had been fastened upon him. "Come, Lily, you must go into your cabin now," added Dan, tenderly, as he turned to Lily. "This is no place for you."

"I knowed a feller as was in command of a party o' whites, who got into much the same sort of fix with the Injuns always fightin' and murderin'; so what does he do, think ye?" "Shooted de chief and all hims peepil," suggested Gibault. "Nothin' o' the sort," replied Waller. "He sends for the chief, an' gives him a grand present, an' says he wants to marry his darter.

'She thowt she heerd soombody fleytin' and callin' it was t' wind came skirlin' round t' place, an' she aw' but thrown hirsel' oot 'o' t' bed, an' aa shooted for Tim, and they came, and they and I it's bin as much as we could a' du to hod 'er. 'Luke! Steady! exclaimed Jim. 'She'll try it again. For the hands were moving restlessly from side to side, and the face was working again.

"Hossifus!" exclaimed Cyd, aghast at the thought. "Wha wha wha " "Take the helm!" repeated the resolute skipper, with a decision which left no alternative for the boy. "Possifus! Dis chile don't want to set dar, and be shooted." "There is no more danger there than there is any where else. Take your place, and don't be a coward. If you want to be free, you must fight for it now." "Golly!

"But you shooted my doll, and knocked her over, and maybe she's broken!" sobbed Margy. By this time Mrs. Bunker had reached the seat where the little girl and her brother had been sleeping. The mother picked the Japanese doll up from where it had fallen to the floor of the car, and said: "Don't cry any more, Margy. Your doll isn't hurt a bit.

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