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And that afternoon, when the scoutmaster was gone, Letitia was several times rescued from drowning, and carried on a stretcher; and that evening Cis, on coming in from work, found Grandpa's old, white head bandaged scientifically in the dish-towel, this greatly to the veteran's delight, for he believed he had just been wounded at the Battle of Shiloh.

I'm ashamed to confess to that, but it's the whole sad truth. But, thank goodness, we've got a scoutmaster who can do the job mighty near as well as any machinist going. I'll back Thad, yes, and Allan in the bargain, to make a decent job of it. And even Giraffe here might fix things up in a pinch.

"Say, how about it?" began Jotham. "Could we be useful if we did manage to trot over there, Paul?" Andy demanded. "I'm sure we might," answered the scoutmaster, firmly; "and if we're going, why, the sooner we make a start the better. Seconds count when a house or barn is on fire. I feel pretty well rested, speaking for myself; and half a mile each way oughtn't to do us up.

Peter was greatly interested, even excited, over this new kind of signalling. He was not quite as careful as he had been in talking with Scoutmaster Ned. "Make one long one first to call their attention," he said, quite aroused by the novel enterprise. "Yes?" said Nick, half interested apparently. "Who told you that?" "I I just knew it. I know now let me do it it's easy.

"If something happens like a war or a a bridge burning down or something or other that makes business conditions what'd you call it it makes them all kind of upside down, doesn't it? Sometimes kind of things are hard to get. Everybody knows that." "We can see it," a scout said. By this time the scoutmaster was laughing heartily but with the greatest good humor.

Although there were in the troop only nine boys, in ages ranging from twelve to fourteen years Bok's younger son was one of them so effectively did these youngsters work under the inspiration of the scoutmaster, Thomas Dun Belfield, that they soon attracted general attention and acquired distinction as one of the most efficient troops in the vicinity of Philadelphia.

Then the scoutmaster took his chagrined followers to their bare cabins, stripped of all that had made them comfortable and homelike in their long stay at camp. Hervey was not among them. No one in all the camp knew how he had suffered from homesickness in those two days. He wanted to be home home with his mother and father. To his disappointed troop Mr.

They were approaching Lonesome Woods. Of course, this was going to be all kinds of fun, but but Well, Lonesome Woods was Lonesome Woods, wasn't it? A mile from camp Mr. Wall halted the column. "Volunteers to go forward and cut firewood," he called. But though the scouts might draw together a bit, here was too good an adventure to be missed. There was a rush for the Scoutmaster.

And there seems to be an idea that the Germans are certain to strike at France through Belgium. I may not be here very long I may have to turn over the troop to another scoutmaster. So I want to have a long talk to-night." There was a dismayed chorus. "What? You going away, sir? Why?" But Harry did not join. He saw the quiet blaze in John Grenfel's eyes, and he thought he knew.

I immediately put in a long-distance call to the intelligence officer. He confirmed the data in the wire. He had talked briefly to the scoutmaster on the phone and from all he could gather it was no hoax. The local police had been contacted and they verified the story and the fact of the burns.