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Suddenly Ailie cried: "Bide a meenit, Tammy," and vanished. Presently she was back, with the difficulty overcome. "Grannie says I can wear her shoon. She doesna wear 'em i' the hoose, ava." "I'll gie ye a saxpence, Ailie," offered Tammy. The sordid bargain shocked no feeling of these tenement bairns nor marred their pleasure in the adventure.

And for the little while we were alone she was at a good deal of pains to flatter me; always cleverly, always with the appearance of a banter, still calling me Saxpence, but with such a turn that should rather uplift me in my own opinion. When Catriona returned, the design became if possible more obvious; and she showed off the girl's advantages like a horse-couper with a horse.

"Hoots! ye'll jist lea' the troot wi' me. Ye'll be seekin' a saxpence for 't, I reckon," she persisted, again approaching the basket. "I tell ye, Mistress Catanach," said Malcolm, drawing back now in the fear that if she once had it she would not yield it again, "it's gauin' up to the Hoose!" "Hoots! there's naebody there seen 't yet. It's new oot o' the watter."

Both ladies were within the house; and upon my perceiving them together by the open door, I plucked off my hat and said, "Here was a lad come seeking saxpence," which I thought might please the dowager. Catriona ran out to greet me heartily, and, to my surprise, the old lady seemed scarce less forward than herself.

Her hands were small and white, and her coarse shoes could not hide her pretty little feet. She was not that woman's child; I was sure of if; for her voice was as sweet as a wind harp. "How far have you come, to-day?" asked I of the Irish "butterfly." "From the city, sure," said she; "would your leddyship give me a saxpence?"

"Ye s' hae't for the saxpence an' a guid bargain tu, for ane o' sic dimensions!"

She startit yatterin' at me the nicht because I askit her for saxpence; so at last I tell't her I wud suner jine Kitchener's nor see her ugly face for anither week. 'What did she say? 'Said it was the first guid notion ever I had. 'Weel, said Macgregor eagerly, after a slight pause, 'since ye're for enlistin', ye'd best dae it the nicht, Wullie.

"If ye hae led me astray, ye skirmishing blastie, I'll let ye ken the weight o' this!" The youth was guarding himself with one hand and declaring alternately that, "This is the hoose, mem," and, "I want my saxpence!" A little behind two sturdy porters, laden with a box apiece, blocked up the doorway, and loomed large across the garden.

Gin ye're no willin' to say saxpence, I'm aff to Will'um Pyatt's. He's buried too." So the victim had to make up his mind to one of two things; he must either say saxpence or remain where he was. If Henders was "promised," he took good care that no snowed-up inhabitant should perjure himself.

Forbye that I have nobody but myself to look after my reputation, and have been long enough alone with a sedooctive youth. And come back another day for your saxpence!" she cried after me as I left. My skirmish with this disconcerting lady gave my thoughts a boldness they had otherwise wanted.