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I told her I had met her on Saturday last, had been so fortunate as to render her a trifling service, and was come now on the young lady's invitation. "Oh, so you're Saxpence!" she cried, with a very sneering manner. "A braw gift, a bonny gentleman. And hae ye ony ither name and designation, or were ye bapteesed Saxpence?" she asked. I told my name. "Preserve me!" she cried.

I cannot say when he first determined that Jess should have a cloak, come the money as it liked, for he was too ashamed of his weakness to admit his project to me. I remember, however, his saying to Jess one day: "I'll warrant you could mak a cloak yersel the marrows o' thae eleven and a bits, at half the price?" "It would cost," said Jess, "sax an' saxpence, exactly.

He made his way to a window first, and, clearing the snow from the top of it, pointed out that he could not conscientiously proceed further until the debt had been paid. "Money doon," he cried, as soon as he reached a pane of glass; or, "Come awa wi' my saxpence noo." The belief that this day had not come to Henders unexpectedly was borne out by the method of the crafty callant.

I told her I had met her on Saturday last, had been so fortunate as to render her a trifling service, and was come now on the young lady's invitation. "O, so you're Saxpence!" she cried, with a very sneering manner. "A braw gift, a bonny gentleman. And hae ye ony ither name and designation, or were ye bapteesed Saxpence?" she asked. I told my name. "Preserve me!" she cried.

"What are ye for the day, your honour?" she said, or rather screamed, to Oldbuck; "caller haddocks and whitings a bannock-fluke and a cock-padle." "How much for the bannock-fluke and cock-padle?" demanded the Antiquary. "Four white shillings and saxpence," answered the Naiad. "Four devils and six of their imps!" retorted the Antiquary; "do you think I am mad, Maggie?"

So half a crown was his first bode. The enemy, with anger at her heart, called up a humorous smile, and saying, "An' ye'll get saxpence," went about some household matter; in reality, to let her proposal rankle in Flucker. Flucker lighted his pipe slowly, as one who would not do a sister the injustice to notice so trivial a proposition. He waited fresh overtures. They did not come.

Godsake, woman, let me away; there's saxpence t' ye to buy half a mutchkin, instead o' clavering about thae auld-warld stories. 'Thanks to ye, gudeman; and now ye hae answered a' my questions, and never speired wherefore I asked them, I'll gie you a bit canny advice, and ye maunna speir what for neither. Tib Mumps will be out wi' the stirrup-dram in a gliffing.

"I'm come after my saxpence, mem," said I. "It's to be thought, being my uncle's nephew, I would be found a careful lad." "So ye have a spark of sleeness in ye?" observed the old lady, with some approval. "I thought ye had just been a cuif you and your saxpence, and your LUCKY DAY and your SAKE OF BALWHIDDER" from which I was gratified to learn that Catriona had not forgotten some of our talk.

The Irish Highlander, who denies, in a rich brogue, that any Irish are ever admitted into his regiment, and the cannie burgher from Aberdeen, who, on his return home from a visit to London, says it's an "awfu' dear place; that he hadna' been twa oors in the toon when bang went saxpence," are types which raise a laugh all over the United Kingdom, and all because, again, they furnish materials for ludicrous contrast which everybody is capable of appreciating.

Gin ye're no willin' to say saxpence, I'm aff to Will'um Pyatt's. He's buried too." So the victim had to make up his mind to one of two things: he must either say saxpence or remain where he was. If Henders was "promised," he took good care that no snowed-up inhabitant should perjure himself.