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Captain Joe looked over his shoulder, noted the widening distance, and leaped back to the inshore rocks. Late that afternoon, when the tug, with Captain Joe and me on board, reached the tug's moorings in New London harbor, the dock was crowded with anxious faces, Abram Marrows and his wife among them. It had been an anxious day along the shore road.

The Master, feeling this to the inner marrows, humiliated, shaken, yet through it all not quite able to suppress a kind of grudging and unwilling tribute of admiration, sought to conceal his perturbation with a stern command: "Now, madam, I will call my orderly and have you escorted to a stateroom; have you provided with everything needful for your injury.

"You see," Gavin said to Babbie, "I could not have a new neckcloth, not to speak of a cloak, without everybody in Thrums knowing about it. I dare say Nanny knows all about the braid, and even what it cost." "Three bawbees the yard at Kyowowy's shop," replied Nanny, promptly, "and your mother sewed it on. Sam'l Fairweather has the marrows o't on his top coat. No that it has the same look on him."

While I toyed there with the sub-soil, the unwearied James went to earth among the marrows. "A hundred and seventy-nine. My game, I think," I announced. James extricated himself and walked with me to the butt. "Hullo!" I said, "it's sunk. Thought it was a floater. It ought to be for a half-crown ball." "You mustn't lose it," said James suspiciously. "Well let off the water and get it out."

It had also started Marrows and his wife on a run to the dock, where they had stood for hours straining their eyes seaward, each incoming vessel, as she swooped past the dock into the inner basin, adding to their anxiety. "Wouldn't give a keg o' sp'ilt fish for her.

Of the remainder, 3500 were safety-staff men, having, besides, 1400 boys belonging to their staff; 2000 were off-hand men, for bargain work or other duties; 7600 lads and boys, working under the various designations of "putters," or pushers of coal-tubs, underground "drivers," "marrows," "half-marrows," and "foals," these latter terms being local, and significant of age and labour.

"The best part of it was that Rusher, my own gardener, was beaten badly in every class," put in Sir Philip, with a smile. "Not in every class," corrected Miss Heredith. "The peaches and nectarines from the walled garden were awarded first prize." "Rusher was beaten in the vegetable classes in giant vegetable marrows and cabbages," retorted Sir Philip, with a chuckle. "He hasn't got over it yet.

His long range ammunition exhausted, Captain Joe turned on his heel and walked aft to where his diving gear was piled, venting his indignation at every step. "Can't jam nothin' into his head, sir. Stubbornest mule 'round this harbor. Warn't for that wife o' his Abe Marrows would a-been high and dry long ago.

Cotton does not do well here owing to the scarcity of rain, but coffee and tea flourish. All the palms, many ferns and orchids and nearly every fruit and vegetable, European as well as tropical, grow in great profusion while the melons, vegetable marrows, beans, peas, potatoes, lettuces, cucumbers and tomatoes look healthy.

And again the little old chapel was a bower, with its famous sheaves of corn and corn-plaited pillars, its great bunches of grapes, dangling like tassels from the pulpit corners, its marrows and potatoes and pears and apples and damsons, its purple asters and yellow Japanese sunflowers. Just as before, the red dahlias round the pillars were dropping, weak-headed among the oats.