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The sarjint says I wor droonk, but I worn't, sor; though somehows or t'other I thinks it must have been rhum I wor drinkin' at the rendywoo an' not tay as Bridget telled me at the toime, sayin' it wor good fur the stummick an' wud kape the cowld out!" "I don't believe a word of your story," I heard the doctor answer to this long and circumstantial yarn. "Why, Macan, you're drunk now!"

He luks over some papers an' sez he: 'A change an' a rist is fwhat yu' need, Sarjint Guy. There's a dhraft leavin' next week for Herschell Island I think I will mark yu up fur ut. "'Herschell Island? sez pore Nobby, an' wid that he let's out a howl. "'Tut, tut! sez ould Knockemorf, who was wise tu th' man's throuble. 'Tis safer off there'll yu'll be, man, than here, I'm thinkin'.

Ah, the night was long; but a bit before dawn the boy grew quiet, and as the light come in I heard our men was a-coming back, and runned out to see Jan. And there was Jan's company a-standing in line and the sarjint calling the roll.

Mighty chipper gossoon, tu. 'Teamster? sez I 'Some! sez he, as if he was a reg'lar gun at th' business 'but I'm gen'rally reckoned handier wid a foursome 'n a single team." "'Oh! sez I, 'fwhere? An' he tould me Regina. Sez I thin ''tis Skinner Adams's undershtudy ye must have bin? for he was Reg'mentil Teamster Sarjint there, an' sure fwas a great man wid a four-in-hand team."

Keep marchin' distance 19 inches from back to breast. Come along, Pete. I ain't a-goin' to lose you, no matter what happens." "Sarjint," gasped flarry Joslyn, after they had gone a couple of miles, "don't you call this purty fast marchin'?" "Naah," said Si contemptuously. "We're just crawlin' along. Wait till we git where it's a little clear, and then we'll go.

My boy got terrible 'feared of they sarjints, for he heard mun use rough words, ay, and more than words, to our men, and more than once he thought the sarjint was speaking to he, and clinged to me tight, poor little soul; and night-times he would wake and cry that the sarjint was come for mun.

"Don't think it," replied the teamster laconically. He glanced towards the open door and assumed a listening attitude. "Th' Sarjint an' him's out there now chewin' th' rag 'bout it hark to 'em!" Ceasing their cleaning operations for a space, the two constables listened intently to the raised voices without.

So Lady Eleanor went in, while Colonel George stood at the door holding the horses, and sat for a time looking at the sick man in silence, till at last she asked the woman if she thought the bandsmen had hurt him when they seized him. "No, 'twasn't the bandsmen," said the woman absently, and without looking up; "'twas the sarjint as did it."

But he grew stronger in his body after a bit, and I was able to take mun abroad; and though he liked the sound of the drums he was a bit frightened at the sight of a red coat, for fear that it should be a sarjint, and if it was a sarjint he would run like a rabbit.

"I'm a-goin' tu put a question tu yeh, an' 'member now. . . . I want yeh tu think harrd! . . . Now whin Larry Blake came in tu saddle-up an' pull out last night was that ther sorrel o' Windy's still in th' stable or not?" "Eh?" gasped Lee at last, "I dunno! Me nor Lanky wasn't around when Larry pulled out. We was over t' th' hotel, Sarjint."