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Updated: August 12, 2024

Now we're gwine out ter de cotton compress, an' git a lot er colored men tergether, an' ef de w'ite folks 'sturbs me, I shouldn't be s'prise' ef dere'd be a mix-up; an' ef dere is, me an one w'ite man 'll stan' befo' de jedgment th'one er God dis day; an' it won't be me w'at'll be 'feared er de jedgment. Come along, boys!

The artillery is a case of s'prise, the most experienced gent in Wolfville not loekin' for no gun-play between folks who's been pards an' blanket-mates for years. "However, it don't last long; it looks like both gets sorter conscience-stricken that a-way, an' lets up.

Warren! Such s'prise! S' glad t' see you!" she muttered thickly and, lurching toward him, would have fallen had he not caught her. "Bella! What is the matter?" he exclaimed in anxious tones, and then, in a moment, sudden disgust ringing in his voice: "Bella, you're drunk! My God! And I meant to marry you next month! Motoring with a man and coming home drunk! Good-bye, Miss Marne!

Them rapscallions took in four hundred and sixty-five dollars in that three nights. I never see money hauled in by the wagon-load like that before. By and by, when they was asleep and snoring, Jim says: "Don't it s'prise you de way dem kings carries on, Huck?" "No," I says, "it don't." "Why don't it, Huck?" "Well, it don't, because it's in the breed. I reckon they're all alike,"

"Here," she said, "I brought you this. It's some o' everything we hed. An' I'm obliged for my s'prise," she added, squeezing my hand in the darkness. "I surmised first thing, most, when Delia described you. No; land, no! Delia don't suspicion you got it up. She don't think of it bein' anybody but just God an' I donno's 'twas. An' that's what Abel thinks wa'n't Abel splendid?

The high falsetto announced the Missionary's boy of twelve, who promptly turned a hand spring over the slab bench, never pausing in a running fire of exuberant comment. "Get on y'r bib and tucker, Dickie! You're goin' t' have a s'prise party right away! Senator Moses and Battle Brydges, handy-andy-dandy, comin' up with Dad and MacDonald! Oh, hullo, Miss Eleanor, how d' y' get here ahead?

The faces of the ex-creditors were pictures of astonishment. Mr. Gott's expressive countenance turned white, then red, and then settled to a mottled shade, almost as if he had the measles. Polena rushed to his side. "O Obed!" she exclaimed. "I know we'd ought to have told you, but 'twas only Tuesday the Major asked me, and we thought we'd keep it a secret so's to s'prise you. Mr.

My bear her bear a great fight! Everybody in to see it. Nothing like a bear-fight, eh? S'prise her, won't it pretty little wench! When she sees her bear fighting mine? Betchu hundred dollars my bear kills Tara!" "To-morrow," said David. "I'll bet to-morrow. Where's the shack?" He was anxious to reach that, and he hoped it was a good distance away.

"But, Danny," she laughed, squeezing his arm tenderly, "you live with Mr. O'Neil and all those other men in a horrible, crawling bunk-house." "Oh, do I? I'll have you know that our bunk-houses don't crawl. And besides But wait! It's a s'prise." "A s'prise?" she queried, eagerly. "For me?" He nodded. "Tell me what it is, quick! You know I never could wait for s'prises."

When you make your stakes and go home, little Johnny's going to climb onto your knee and say, 'Papa, tell me why you hung that man at Sheep Camp, and you'll say, 'Why, son, we hung him because he stole a sack of rice. Like hell you will!" 'Poleon Doret regained public attention by saying, "Messieurs, I got s'prise for you."

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