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The girl thanked him, coloring as red as the peaches in her basket, then, hastily turning the corner of the street, disappeared. "A perfect Pomona! I make a point of honoring beauty whenever I find it," exclaimed the count, looking after her. He cast a reproving glance at Baldassare, who stood with his eyes wide open. "The Greeks worshiped beauty I agree with them. Beauty is divine. What say you?

To communicate this explanation to Lady Lydiard would, in her present humor, be simply to produce the dismissal of the steward from her service. The only other alternative was to ask leave to interrogate Moody privately, and, after duly reproving him, to insist on the departure of Old Sharon as the one condition on which Mr. Troy would consent to keep Lady Lydiard in ignorance of the truth.

A moral people should not laugh in seeing an actor degrading another in action, or words: and when such bad actions are introduced by the author as a historical event, they should always be represented with an aside, reproving the clownish act. The laughter worthy of a civilized nation it is when wit, and decent actions would be exhibited with feeling, and refinement.

And the king of the Rakshasa then entered his own city known by the name of Lanka, accompanied by Sita. And quickly advancing towards Lakshmana while reproving him still, Rama asked him, 'O Lakshmana, is the princess of Videha still alive? I fear she is no more! Then Lakshmana told him everything about what Sita had said, especially that unbecoming language of hers subsequently.

Nevertheless she danced a short time longer without looking at him, until suddenly the remembrance of his reproving glance spoiled her pleasure in this rare enjoyment. She whispered to the duke that she was satisfied. A wave of his hand stopped the music but, ere returning the bow of her distinguished partner, Barbara looked for the Emperor.

"Mama, I don't see why, when nice, interesting things happen, I should not know them as well as Bessie!" she complained. She was sent to bed, however, and tucked up there, and kissed, and enjoined by an indulgent, reproving mother to be a good girl, and to go quietly to sleep.

Are you already acquainted? exclaimed our host, visibly surprised, despite the philosophy of self-restraint he was so fond of preaching. "It was my turn now to bestow a reproving look. "'We have met, I rejoined, with proper dignity, 'but as yet I have not the honour of acquaintance.

After reproving my two comrades for not taking care of our things which were in the boat, I advertised Heddy and sent two men in search of him. They pursued and overtook him at Southampton and returned him to the boat.

"A man need be little less than divine to meet her full approval; and my good aunt has heard something of the genial life of the Intendant. One may excuse a reproving shake of her noble head."

'God! an it hadna been for the rigs o' land, I would hae gotten her a' to carry mysell, for as mony gentles as are here. A score of frowning and reproving brows were bent upon the unappalled yeoman, who, having given vent to his displeasure, stalked sturdily downstairs with the rest of the company, totally disregarding the censures of those whom his remarks had scandalised.