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Updated: August 27, 2024

Now let us see, and take care. You saw no one at the peel to-day but Renny Potter, Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Crackenshaw?" "No, sir." "But you heard other voices in the next room a man's voice whilst you were waiting?" "Yes, sir." "Then Renny Potter came back and gave you a message for your brothers. This message they made you repeat, over and over again. How did it go?" And as Mr.

"I was merely going to say," answered Yates wearily, "that you are a mighty good fellow, Renny. People who camp out always have rows. That is our first; suppose we let it be the last. Camping out is something like married life, I guess, and requires some forbearance on both sides. That philosophy may be cheap, but I think it is accurate. I am really very much worried about this newspaper business.

Be all the more on your guard, if you believe it. A lunatic is sometimes dangerous." "Oh, go away. You're dreaming. You're talking in your sleep. What! Fight? Tonight? Nonsense!" "Do you want me to strike you before you are ready?" "No, Renny, no. My wants are always modest. I don't wish to fight at all, especially to-night. I'm a reformed man, I tell you.

"And did you," he asked, "hear its creaking, Renny, as it swayed in the wind?" Again René cast a quick glance of alarm at his master. The master had a singular manner with him to-night! Then edging closer to him he whispered in his ear: "They say it is to hang for ever. There is a warning to those who would interfere with this justice of theirs.

It always annoys a woman to know that the man she is interested in has a past with which she has had nothing to do. If he is wicked and she can sort of make him over, like an old dress, she revels in the process. She flatters herself she makes a new man of him, and thinks she owns that new man by right of manufacture. We owe it to the sex, Renny, to give 'em a chance at reforming us.

Pauline helped her to undress, and presently she was tucked into her little bed. "It seems a'most as if I wor still a nursery child," she said to her elder sister. "Why so?" asked Pauline. "Being sent to bed afore you and Renny. I am quite as old as you and Renny in my mind, I mean." "Don't talk nonsense," said Pauline almost crossly.

"Margery," said Adrian, rising to take the heavy tray from the knotted, trembling hands; "you know that I will not allow you to carry those heavy things upstairs yourself." He raised his voice to sing-song pitch near the withered old ear. "I have already told you that when Renny is not at home, I can take my food in your kitchen."

Besides, nice soft little thing that Phoebe was, she talked with a dialect as thick as treacle. Eventually, however, it turned out that girls were to be Ishmael's chief companions, and the Parson concluded it would do him no harm to be under what is commonly supposed to be a softening influence before plunging into the stern masculinities of St. Renny.

She's mine, and I'm hers which are two ways of stating the same delightful fact. I'm up in a balloon, Renny. I'm engaged to the prettiest, sweetest, and most delightful girl there is from the Atlantic to the Pacific. What d'ye think of that? Say, Renmark, there's nothing on earth like it. You ought to reform and go in for being in love. It would make a man of you.

"Betty, you are too dreadful! Won't you put that paper down and try to help us?" Betty looked at the three faces. In their shabby dresses, and with their pretty, anxious eyes, Verena having a frown between her charming brows, they made a picture that struck the cook's heart. With all her odd and peculiar ways, she was affectionate. "Are you fretting about it, Miss Renny?" she asked.

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