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Updated: August 3, 2024

You remind me of a story Harry told me about a certain philanthropist who spent twenty years of his life in trying to get some grievance redressed, or some unjust law altered I forget exactly what it was. Finally he succeeded, and nothing could exceed his disappointment. He had absolutely nothing to do, almost died of ennui, and became a confirmed misanthrope.

The tall, slender boy was a true picture of youth and beauty, yet there was something odd about this beauty, something wild in his motions and appearance, with absolutely nothing to remind one of the martial figure and earnest repose of his father.

But when the Thirty, being villains and sycophants, were established in power, affirming that it was necessary to rid the city of those doing wrong, and turn the remaining citizens to virtue and justice, though making such professions, they did not venture to do such things, as I, speaking first in my own behalf, and in behalf of you, shall try to remind you. 6.

His majesty has the small-pox, with a complication of other diseases equally dangerous, and I look upon him as a dead man." "Monsieur de la Martiniere," cried the duc de Duras, who, in quality of his office of first gentleman of the bed-chamber, was present at this conference, "allow me to remind you that you are expressing yourself very imprudently."

"Let me remind you, sir," said Mr. Pinhorn, who sat at the same table, "that the King can do no wrong." "But his ministers can do as they please," Mr. Adams rejoined, whereat the whole company broke into laughter. Mr. Pinhorn covered his mouth with astonishment, but presently allowed himself to say: "Sir, I hold to my convictions." "You are wrong, sir. It is your convictions that hold to you.

I repeat, you cringed yes, cringed when Stokely insulted you. Why?" Howard was silent. "And," the Visitor went on relentlessly, "let me remind you that not only did you give her up without a struggle a few months ago but also she gave you up without a word." "But what could she have said?" "I don't know, I'm sure. I'm not familiar with ways feminine.

I knew not that the generous man, who wished me so well, was the present General Prittwitz. That he should himself remind me of this incident does him the greater honour. Having been introduced at court, I thought it necessary to observe ceremonies, and was presented by the Imperial ambassador, Prince Reuss, to all foreign ministers, and such families as are in the habit of admitting such visits.

While Alice spoke, she was hardly conscious of the presence of any one save her father and brother; for the page withdrew himself somewhat from the circle, and there was nothing to remind her of him.

La Gonizetti doesn't care who sees her. Why, this is nothing but a mere I tell you now, if she ain't on to her job, I mean to have my money back." Simon glowered. Abbott stared in great perplexity. "Then who is she?" he exclaimed. "Simon doesn't she remind you of of some one we know?" "Naw.

But, as an honourable gentleman has lately remarked, that by denying the necessity of the bill, instead of making objections to particular clauses, the whole design of finding expedients to supply the sea service is at once defeated; I think it necessary to remind him, that I have made many objections to this bill, and supported them by reasons which have not yet been answered.

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