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'Wah! said the Injin; and then I held them over the fire till they was done black, and Nipitabo ate one, and I ate the tother, with a lump o' snow to wash it down!" "It must have been rather dry eating," said Charley, laughing. "Rayther; but it was better than the Injin's leather breeches, which we took in hand next day.

Jorrocks truly said, was rayther small but the table being excessively broad, made the room appear less than it was. It was lighted up with spermaceti candles in silver holders, one at each corner of the table, and there was a lamp in the wall between the red-curtained windows, immediately below a brass nail, on which Mr. Jorrocks's great hunting-whip and a bunch of boot garters were hung.

'Thank'ee, you're wery good, but I won't deprive you of it, replied Sam. 'I've rayther a way o' putting my hands in my pockets, if it's all the same to you. As Sam said this, he suited the action to the word, and whistled far louder than before. 'This way, said his new friend, apparently much relieved as they turned down a by-street; 'we shall soon be there.

Wynn had never seemed so inaccessible, though in reality he was making an effort to be unusually bland to a person he disliked. For the first time in his existence, cringing Zack feared the face of mortal man. 'Spell o' warm weather, squire, ain't it, rayther? I wor jest a sayin' to Silas Duff here that I never want to see no better day for loggin', I don't.

'But consider, Sam, Mr. Pickwick remonstrated, 'the sum is so small that it can very easily be paid; and having made up My mind that you shall stop with me, you should recollect how much more useful you would be, if you could go outside the walls. 'Wery much obliged to you, sir, replied Mr. Weller gravely; 'but I'd rayther not. 'Rather not do what, Sam?

I understand the idiosyncracies of these creeturs better than you do." With that he went up to the cage, and thrustin his face in between the iron bars, he said, soothinly, "Come hither, pretty creetur." The pretty creetur come-hithered rayther speedy, and seized the gentleman by the whiskers, which he tore off about enuff to stuff a small cushion with.

She was, indeed, a perfect little beauty, rayther dark, to be sure, a little upon the rosewood tinge, but beautifully polished, and a very nice piece of furniture for a cottage orné, as the French call it. Alas, alas, how these vanities do catch hold of us! My recollections have made me quite feverish and thirsty. Is there any cold punch in the bowl?

Mony a time, Sanders, I hae said to mysel, 'There's a lass ony man micht be prood to tak. A'body says the same, Sanders, There's nae risk ava, man: nane to speak o'. Tak her, laddie, tak her, Sanders; it's a grand chance, Sanders. She's yours for the spierin'. I'll gie her up, Sanders." "Will ye, though?" said Sanders. "What d'ye think?" asked Sam'l. "If ye wid rayther," said Sanders politely.

Who's the better or the worse for what I tell? or knows any thing about me? The other chap is dead shot in the bush, and his body reckonized at Sydney. If I thought any body would split, do you think I wouldn't wring his neck? I've done as good before now, Strong I told you how I did for the overseer before I took leave but in fair fight, I mean in fair fight; or, rayther, he had the best of it.

But I niver see thee now but on Sabbath day, and rarely then. Still we munnot speak o' such things on t' Lord's day. So thee mun just say how t' shop is doing, and then we'll leave such vain talk. 'T' shop is doing main an' well, thank ye, mother. But Coulson could tell yo' o' that any day. 'I'd a deal rayther hear fra' thee, Philip.