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"Why, since you ask, Spike, he is a very worthy person who devotes his life to er looking after my welfare and other things." "Holy Gee!" exclaimed Spike, staring, "I should have thought you was big 'nuff to do that fer yourself, unless " and here he broke off suddenly and gazed on Mr. Ravenslee's long figure with a new and more particular interest. "Unless what?"

"Why, yes, I think I can go another round or so." "There y' are, Joe, the Guv's surely a game cove. So get at it, me lad, an' try an' knock it up to fifty dollars 'arves, Joe, mind!" "But, sir," began Joe, eyeing the livid blotches on Ravenslee's white skin, "don't ye think " "Time oh, Time, Time!" shrieked the Old Un.

And by reason of the unwonted graciousness of Mrs. Trapes, of Ravenslee's tact and easy assurance, and the Old Un's impish hilarity, all diffidence and restraint were banished, and good fellowship reigned supreme, though the Spider was interrupted in the midst of a story by the Old Un suddenly exclaiming: "Keep your hand out o' the jam, Joe!"

He was a young man, big and broad-shouldered, and Ravenslee's keen eyes were quick to heed the length and ponderous carriage of the arms, the girth of chest, and firm, heavy poise of the feet; lastly he looked at the face, aggressively handsome with its dominating nose and chin, and blue eyes shaded by thick lashes, that looked out beneath heavy brows a comely-seeming face from the dark, close-cropped hair to the deep cleft in the strong, fleshy chin.

Ravenslee's brows wrinkled slightly, but his soft voice grew softer, as, pausing in the act of lighting his pipe, he answered: "On the whole I think you are a rather er unpleasant young man, so suppose you er go " "What? Go? Are ye tryin' t' tell me t' go?" "I'm suggesting that you er crank up the machine, Mr. Flowers, and beat it while the going's good!"

"But what's a guy like you want with a shuvver?" "Well, to drive my car and " "Car?" said the Spider, his uneasiness growing, "got a car now, have ye, bo?" "I rather think I've got six." "Sufferin' Sam!" The Spider scratched his chin while his keen eyes roved over Ravenslee's exterior apprehensively. "Say, bo, you quite sure none o' th' bunch booted you on th' dome eh?" "Quite sure."

Ravenslee's person from the toes of his boots to the dark hair that curled short and crisp above his brow. Thus she looked him up and she looked him down, viewing each garment in turn; lastly, she lifted her gaze to his face and stared at him eye to eye. And eye to eye Mr.

At this juncture Ravenslee appeared, whereupon Joe, having reached the topmost landing, set the old man upon his natty feet and fell to straightening his smart clothes with hands big but gentle. "Sir," explained Joe, answering Ravenslee's smiling look, "Old Sin an' Sorrer here wouldn't walk up, which forced me to " But now the Old Un, feeling himself again, cut in on his own account.

One who, teaching him to forget himself, should lift him to better things. An object to live for, work for, and if necessary to die for!" Here Spike, finding himself utterly forgotten again, sighed in deep and audible relief, and taking up knife and fork, fell to with renewed appetite, while Hermione, chin rested on folded hands, gazed into Ravenslee's grave face.

But now, beneath Ravenslee's persistent regard, the full-curved, shapely lips grew slowly into a cruel, down-trending line, the nostrils expanded, while the blue eyes narrowed to shining slits beneath quick-scowling, black brows. For a long moment the two men stared at each other, eye to eye, then, in a hoarse, assertive tone the newcomer spoke. "What you doin' here? Who are ye?" Mr.