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Updated: August 8, 2024

A long-drawn, breathless minute and then the room was flooded with brilliant light, and a figure, kneeling before the cabinet, uttered a strangled cry and leapt up, only to recoil before Mr. Ravenslee's levelled revolver. A pallid-faced, willowy lad, this, of perhaps seventeen, who, sinking to his knees, threw up an arm across his face, then raised both hands above his head.

The feelings of the Spider waxing beyond mere words, he looked at the speaker, viewed him up and down with a glance of contemptuous hostility, whereat Ravenslee's whole expression melted into one of lamblike meekness. "Say," quoth the Spider at last, "there's only one thing as I can't stand about you, an' that's everything!"

Geoffrey? An' what might you be dreamin' over this time?" she enquired, eyeing Ravenslee's long figure a little contemptuously, for he had fallen to lounging again, sleepy eyes half closed. "I was thinking what a lot of interest we might find in this busy world if we only would take the trouble to look for it!" he answered.

'Owbeit an' notwithstanding, 'ooever you are and nevertheless, you will find the tradespeople's entra " "You're the gentleman as is so obligin' as to be Mr. Ravenslee's butler, ain't you?" "Sich is my perfession," Mr. Brimberly admitted. "I am in sole charge of these premises and so being will ask you to withdraw 'ence immediate. I will ask "

Think o' that now my, my! Mrs. Ravenslee's wonderful quick an' light on her feet, Mr. Geoffrey!" Here Mrs. Trapes raised the watch to her ear and hearkened to its tick again, smiling at Ravenslee's broad back as he turned to reach his glass.

While M'Ginnis stared from his swelling, bloody wrists to Ravenslee's face a face quite as fierce and determined as his own steps were heard and Spike's voice called: "Hermy come in yet, Geoff?" "Not yet but our friend Mr. Flowers has dropped in socially, I fancy." "Mr. Who?" enquired Spike at the door, but beholding M'Ginnis's angry face, he paused there, staring aghast.

"God bless that little game leg, but pretty flowers 'ud be wasted on a old bloke like me. You take 'em to th' Guv, see over there that tall chap leanin' over th' pool. But first gimme a a kiss instead, will ye, little lass?" "I'd like to, sir." And when the Old Un had kissed and been kissed right heartily, he pointed to Ravenslee's distant, lounging figure, winked, nodded, and squeaked away.

Ravenslee's voice was soft and pleasant as usual, but before the burning ferocity of his eyes, the merciless line of that grim, implacable mouth, before all the hush and deadly purpose of him, the loud hectoring of M'Ginnis seemed a thing of no account.

But you don't believe it any longer, and M'Ginnis is only M'Ginnis, after all." "But I I've got to tell you more," said the lad miserably, as meeting Ravenslee's eye with an effort, he went on feverishly. "The other night after after Bud slipped me the the stuff an' I'd had a a drink or two, he began askin' all about you.

Ravenslee's chronic languor seemed to have returned as, leaning back in the deep-cushioned chair, he regarded this youthful malefactor with sleepy eyes, yet eyes that missed nothing of the boy's quivering earnestness as he continued, breathlessly: "Oh, I ain't a real crook, I never done nothin' like this before, an' I never will again if if you'll only let me chase meself " "And now," sighed Mr.

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