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You don't s'pose I rushed into this hyar hole like a chased rabbit? No, Frank; I've heern o' this place afore, from some fellers thet, like ourselves, made cache in it from a band o' pursuin' Kimanch. Thar's a way leads out at the back; an' just as soon as we kin throw dust in the eyes o' these yellin' varmints in front, we'll put straight for it.

Don't you remember, Bill, that in the old days we didn't pursue Happiness? Why, Happiness pursued us an' generally caught us. Some days she didn't succeed until we were all tired out, an' then she led us away into the wonderful land o' dreams, an' it was like heaven. You never get Happiness by pursuin' her that's one dead sure thing. Happiness is never captured. She comes unbidden or not at all.

At intervals there are large roomy lawns, covered with velvety grass, where easy seats under the trees invite you to rest and admire the beauty around you, and the happy, gayly-dressed throng passing and repassing in carriages, on horseback or walkin' afoot, thousands and thousands on 'em, and everyone, I spoze, a pursuin' their own goles, whatever they may be.

But ez he war crossin' the foot-bredge some o' the pursuin' party war fordin' the ruver over thar, an' thinkin' he'd make out ter escape they fired on him, jes' ez the feller tried ter surrender. He turned this way an' flung up both arms but thar's mighty leetle truce in a pistol-ball. That minute it tuk him right through the brain. Seems toler'ble long range fur a pistol, don't it?

How you've stood it with that man all these years, I don't see; rampin' round, tearin' and groanin' and actin'. He didn't act no more like a perfessor than than Captain Kidd would if he had been travelin' with a neighborin' female, pursuin' his wife, and that female doin' the best she could for him.

I wud ha'e let ye enjoy yer pairty in peace, but what wi' the forebodin's o' ma auld frien' an' the scent o' the hens an' pigs, I could thole nae longer. 'In short, Christina brightly remarked, 'ye was completely fed up. Weel, weel, ye'll sune forget aboot yer troubles in the joys o' pursuin' pastries. We'll fetch the table close to ye so as ye can fall to wi'oot unduly streetchin' yer neck.

Shun! Pursuin' practice I Prep air! Go! Shun! That's all right, sir. Ever been in the service before, young feller? 'No, said Polson. 'I always meant to join, and I thought I'd get ready as far as I could. 'Now look here, my lad, said the Sergeant. 'You've been through the mill before, you have. You're a deserter, you know, that's what you are. Polson laughed.

So the Sergeant set his squad to stand at ease again, and Polson, being provided with a belt and sabre, was stuck up in front of it, feeling absurdly like a trick ape on show. 'Draw so! Slope so! Prep air! Prove distance! and so on. 'Pursuin' practice. One. Cut thrust parry. Two. Cut thrust parry. Shunt Now from the word of command, right through. Sword exercise. Prep air! Prove distance go!

Entertainment like the music, like the wine! "They appeal to the mood, the caprice, the temperamen'. To play with thees woman, follow her through her humor, pursue her ah! that is the mos' delightful way to sen' the hours about their business." Ross banged the table. "Shut up, you miserable yeller pup!" he roared. "I object to your pursuin' anything or anybody in my house.

A Laplander killin' a seal in a ice hole Two horses a-goin' furiously, tryin' to drag a sleigh away from pursuin' wolves Mounted Cossacks Farmers ploughin' the fields A woman ridin' a farm horse, with a long rake in her hand A woman standin' on tiptoe to kiss her Cossack as he bends from his saddle A rough rider out on the steepes a-catchin' a wild horse.