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Bear's injured feet. "I'll have to get a saw and cut off your foot." And then Mr. Bear gave a dreadful howl. "Oh, please don't saw off my foot. It's sore enough already." "I didn't mean to saw off your foot," said Dr. Duck. "Did I say that? I mean to saw off the splinter and then put on a poultice and draw out the pain."

"Herb Barbara, the winter-cress, a cruciferous plant, anti-scorbutic a poverty-stricken flower, creeping along the wayside like a beggar. "To Saint Fiacre is dedicated the mullein, with its emollient leaves; boiled to make a poultice, it relieves colic, which this saint has a reputation for curing.

He left Grandcourt regretted by none, least of all by Arthur Herapath, who, with a beef-steak on his cheek and linseed poultice over his temple, whooped defiantly at the retreating cab from his dormitory window, and began to feel better and better as the rumble of the wheels gradually receded and finally lost itself in the distance.

Shake well, and wash affected parts night and morning. FOR ERUPTIONS ON TONGUE. Cyanide of silver, 1/2 gr. Powdered iridis, 2 gr. Divide into 10 parts. To be rubbed on tongue once a day. FOR ERUPTIONS IN SYPHILIS. A 5 per cent. ointment of carbolic acid, in a good preparation. TREATMENT. Warm poultice of linseed meal, Mercurial plaster, Lead ointment.

After poultices have been applied over the chest or stomach for two or three days the skin is apt to become tender, and then it is well to substitute for them what may be termed a dry poultice, which is nothing else than a layer of dry cotton wool an inch or an inch and a half thick, tacked inside a piece of oiled silk.

"Maybe I can remember enough about it to tell you or Apple how to put it on paper." "Here's Apple coming now," said Chick-chick. "He's the boy to draw. Draws better 'n flax seed poultice. You'll draw him all maps he wants when we get to camp, won't ye, Apple?" "If we ever get back," said Apple. "It's getting dark. Father will be anxious. Why are you leaving the car?"

And yet not one mother or nurse in ten knows how to make a poultice. When applied over a wound they should not be covered with oiled silk or any impermeable material, since the edges of the wound and the adjacent skin are apt thereby to be rendered irritable and to become covered with little itching pimples.

More water at the same temperature is poured gradually in at intervals, until it rises well up over the abdomen. This will usually relieve even a bad case. Treat with bran poultice and cold towels, as above recommended, after the warm bath has given relief. It should be remembered that the cold is the healing power, bracing the bladder and all its muscles and vessels.

With no more fuss than he would have made when he was a colt in paddock he allowed the cowboy to wash and dress his wounded shoulder and to lead him about by the halter. By a little stream that rounded the base of a big butte, Lefty for it was he made camp, and every day for a week he applied to Black Eagle's shoulder a fresh poultice of pounded cactus leaves.

I shall have another poultice on, and go to bed, I think, Cousin Ridd, if you will not hold me ungrateful. I am so sorry for your long walk. Surely it might be avoided. Give my love to dear Lizzie: oh, the room is going round so. And she fainted into the arms of Sally, who was come just in time to fetch her: no doubt she had been suffering agony all the time she talked to me.